1 write to m_current
mscorlib (1)
system\diagnostics\eventing\activitytracker.cs (1)
231m_current = new AsyncLocal<ActivityInfo>(ActivityChanging);
11 references to m_current
mscorlib (11)
system\diagnostics\eventing\activitytracker.cs (11)
56if (m_current == null) // We are not enabled 70if(m_current == null) 78var currentActivity = m_current.Value; 107currentActivity = m_current.Value; 124m_current.Value = newActivity; 144if (m_current == null) // We are not enabled 153etwLog.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopEnterActivityState", ActivityInfo.LiveActivities(m_current.Value)); 158ActivityInfo currentActivity = m_current.Value; 210m_current.Value = newCurrentActivity; 229if (m_current == null) 246private Guid CurrentActivityId { get { return m_current.Value.ActivityId; } }