4 writes to Value
mscorlib (4)
system\globalization\datetimeparse.cs (4)
4373Value = str; 4778Value = Value.Substring(0, i + 1); 4797Value = Value.Remove(i, Value.Length - 1 - i); 4817Value = Value.Remove(1, i);
66 references to Value
mscorlib (66)
system\globalization\datetimeformatinfo.cs (6)
2707if (!HebrewNumber.IsDigit(str.Value[i])) { 2717state = HebrewNumber.ParseByChar(str.Value[i++], ref context); 2724} while (i < str.Value.Length && (state != HebrewNumberParsingState.FoundEndOfHebrewNumber)); 2774Contract.Assert(str.Index < str.Value.Length, "DateTimeFormatInfo.Tokenize(): start < value.Length"); 2813if (String.Compare(str.Value, str.Index, value.tokenString, 0, value.tokenString.Length, this.Culture, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)==0) { 2819char nextCh = str.Value[nextCharIndex];
system\globalization\datetimeparse.cs (60)
418if (length > (str.Value.Length - str.Index)) { 422if (str.CompareInfo.Compare(str.Value, str.Index, length, 429if (nextCharIndex < str.Value.Length) { 430char nextCh = str.Value[nextCharIndex]; 437str.m_current = str.Value[str.Index]; 571char nextCh = str.Value[str.Index]; 576nextCh = str.Value[str.Index + whitespaceCount]; 651char nextCh = str.Value[str.Index]; 1131Char ch = str.Value[str.Index]; 1136ch = str.Value[i]; 1174if (str.Value[i] != '\0') { 3811if (!TryParseQuoteString(format.Value, format.Index, enquotedString, out tokenLen)) { 3853if (format.Index >= format.Value.Length - 1 || format.Value[format.Index + 1] == '%') { 4077if (str.Index < str.Value.Length - 1) { 4374len = Value.Length; 4405m_current = Value[Index]; 4420m_current = Value[Index]; 4450m_current = Value[Index]; 4473m_current = Value[Index]; 4496m_current = Value[Index]; 4547return (m_info.Compare(Value, Index, count, target, 0, count, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)==0); 4553int valueRemaining = Value.Length - Index; 4556if (matchLength > valueRemaining || m_info.Compare(Value, Index, matchLength, target, 0, matchLength, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) !=0) { 4566if (thisPosition >= Value.Length - segmentLength) { // Subtraction to prevent overflow. 4575if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[thisPosition + segmentLength])) { 4578if (m_info.Compare(Value, thisPosition, segmentLength, target, targetPosition, segmentLength, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) !=0) { 4589while (thisPosition < Value.Length && Char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[thisPosition])) { 4597if (thisPosition > Value.Length - segmentLength) { 4600if (m_info.Compare(Value, thisPosition, segmentLength, target, targetPosition, segmentLength, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) !=0) { 4608if (nextCharIndex < Value.Length) { 4609if (Char.IsLetter(Value[nextCharIndex])) { 4628if (str.Length > (Value.Length - Index)) { 4632if (m_info.Compare(Value, Index, str.Length, str, 0, str.Length, CompareOptions.Ordinal)==0) { 4646if (Value[Index] == ch) { 4687char repeatChar = Value[Index]; 4689while ((pos < len) && (Value[pos] == repeatChar)) { 4705return (DateTimeParse.IsDigit(Value[Index])); 4713return (Value[Index]); 4721Contract.Assert(DateTimeParse.IsDigit(Value[Index]), "IsDigit(Value[Index])"); 4722return (Value[Index] - '0'); 4736char ch = Value[Index+1]; 4763m_current = Value[Index]; 4775while (i >= 0 && Char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[i])) { 4778Value = Value.Substring(0, i + 1); 4779len = Value.Length; 4789char ch = Value[i]; 4792if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[i-1])) { 4794while (i >= 1 && Char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[i-1])) { 4797Value = Value.Remove(i, Value.Length - 1 - i); 4798len = Value.Length; 4810char ch = Value[i]; 4813while ((i + 1) < len && Char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[i+1])) { 4817Value = Value.Remove(1, i); 4818len = Value.Length; 4826sub.s = Value; 4829Char ch = Value[Index + sub.length]; 4877m_current = Value[Index];