13 implementations of HasVarArgs
mscorlib (9)
system\runtime\remoting\message.cs (9)
260public bool HasVarArgs 1268public bool HasVarArgs 2383public bool HasVarArgs 2621public bool HasVarArgs 3672public bool HasVarArgs 4566public bool HasVarArgs 5585public bool HasVarArgs 5843public virtual bool HasVarArgs 6074public virtual bool HasVarArgs
System.Runtime.Remoting (1)
channels\http\httpserverchannel.cs (1)
702public bool HasVarArgs { get { return false;} }
System.ServiceModel (2)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\ServiceChannelProxy.cs (1)
572public bool HasVarArgs
System\ServiceModel\ClientBase.cs (1)
1486public bool HasVarArgs
System.Workflow.Activities (1)
LocalService\MethodMessage.cs (1)
200bool IMethodMessage.HasVarArgs
6 references to HasVarArgs
mscorlib (4)
system\runtime\remoting\message.cs (4)
2566_hasVarArgs = mcm.HasVarArgs; 2582_hasVarArgs = mcm.HasVarArgs; 5846get { return _msg.HasVarArgs; } 6077get { return _msg.HasVarArgs; }
System.Runtime.Remoting (1)
channels\core\corechannel.cs (1)
333&& (!msg.HasVarArgs))
System.ServiceModel (1)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\ServiceChannelProxy.cs (1)
574get { return methodCall.HasVarArgs; }