1 write to m_ec
mscorlib (1)
system\threading\executioncontext.cs (1)
599public Reader(ExecutionContext ec) { m_ec = ec; }
15 references to m_ec
mscorlib (15)
system\threading\executioncontext.cs (15)
601public ExecutionContext DangerousGetRawExecutionContext() { return m_ec; } 603public bool IsNull { get { return m_ec == null; } } 605public bool IsDefaultFTContext(bool ignoreSyncCtx) { return m_ec.IsDefaultFTContext(ignoreSyncCtx); } 609get { return IsNull ? false : m_ec.isFlowSuppressed; } 612public bool IsSame(ExecutionContext.Reader other) { return m_ec == other.m_ec; } 614public SynchronizationContext SynchronizationContext { get { return IsNull ? null : m_ec.SynchronizationContext; } } 615public SynchronizationContext SynchronizationContextNoFlow { get { return IsNull ? null : m_ec.SynchronizationContextNoFlow; } } 622get { return new SecurityContext.Reader(IsNull ? null : m_ec.SecurityContext); } 630get { return new LogicalCallContext.Reader(IsNull ? null : m_ec.LogicalCallContext); } 636get { return new IllogicalCallContext.Reader(IsNull ? null : m_ec.IllogicalCallContext); } 646if (m_ec._localValues == null) 650m_ec._localValues.TryGetValue(local, out value); 657var thisLocalValues = IsNull ? null : m_ec._localValues; 665return !this.IsNull && m_ec._localValues != null;