5 references to Correctness
mscorlib (5)
microsoft\win32\registrykey.cs (1)
602BCLDebug.Correctness(errorCode == 0, "RegDeleteValue failed. Here's your error code: "+errorCode);
system\collections\arraylist.cs (1)
587BCLDebug.Correctness(index >= 0 || !(obj is Int32), "You passed an Int32 to Remove that wasn't in the ArrayList." + Environment.NewLine + "Did you mean RemoveAt? int: "+obj+" Count: "+Count);
system\io\filestream.cs (1)
1311BCLDebug.Correctness(_handle.IsClosed, "You didn't close a FileStream & it got finalized. Name: \""+_fileName+"\"");
system\runtime\serialization\objectmanager.cs (1)
976BCLDebug.Correctness(false, "[ObjectManager.DoFixups] Fixup counting is incorrect.");
system\text\stringbuilder.cs (1)
261BCLDebug.Correctness((uint)(m_ChunkOffset + m_ChunkChars.Length) >= m_ChunkOffset, "Integer Overflow");