Implemented interface member:
53 references to Count
mscorlib (2)
system\security\accesscontrol\filesecurity.cs (2)
512for (int i=0; i<rules.Count; i++) { 557for (int i=0; i<rules.Count; i++) {
System (5)
net\System\Net\HttpListener.cs (2)
2153if (serviceNames.Count == 0) 2181if (m_DefaultServiceNames.ServiceNames.Count == 0) {
security\system\security\Authentication\ExtendedProtection\ExtendedProtectionPolicy.cs (1)
44if (customServiceNames != null && customServiceNames.Count == 0)
security\system\security\Authentication\ExtendedProtection\ExtendedProtectionPolicyTypeConverter.cs (2)
49if (policy.CustomServiceNames != null && policy.CustomServiceNames.Count > 0) 51customServiceNames = new object[policy.CustomServiceNames.Count];
System.Core (2)
System\IO\Pipes\PipeSecurity.cs (2)
271for (int i = 0; i < rules.Count; i++) { 307for (int i = 0; i < rules.Count; i++) {
System.IdentityModel (3)
System\IdentityModel\Diagnostics\SecurityTraceRecordHelper.cs (2)
69if (this.serviceNameCollectionConfiguredOnServer == null || this.serviceNameCollectionConfiguredOnServer.Count < 1) 113if (this.policyHelper.ServiceNameCollection != null && this.policyHelper.ServiceNameCollection.Count > 0)
System\IdentityModel\SecurityUtils.cs (1)
961if (_serviceNameCollection == null || _serviceNameCollection.Count < 1)
System.ServiceModel (6)
System\ServiceModel\Administration\EndpointInstanceProvider.cs (1)
561List<string> serviceNames = new List<string>(policy.CustomServiceNames.Count);
System\ServiceModel\Channels\ChannelBindingUtility.cs (5)
159if (subset == null || subset.Count == 0) 163else if (primaryList == null || primaryList.Count < subset.Count) 172result = (merged.Count == primaryList.Count);
System.Web (31)
Management\MailWebEventProvider.cs (4)
158int eventsInNotification = flushInfo.Events.Count; 216Debug.Trace("MailWebEventProvider", "Calling SendMessageInternal; # of events: " + eventsToSend.Count); 223eventsInNotification - (eventsSent + eventsToSend.Count), // eventsRemaining 235eventsSent += eventsToSend.Count;
Management\SimpleMailWebEventProvider.cs (3)
150int totalEvents = events.Count; 163Debug.Assert(events.Count > 0, "events.Count > 0"); 260msg.Subject = GenerateSubject(notificationSequence, messageSequence, events, events.Count);
Management\SqlWebEventProvider.cs (1)
96", Events.Count=" + flushInfo.Events.Count);
Management\TemplatedMailWebEventProvider.cs (2)
129TemplatedMailErrorFormatterGenerator gen = new TemplatedMailErrorFormatterGenerator(events.Count + eventsRemaining, _detailedTemplateErrors); 206msg.Subject = GenerateSubject(notificationSequence, messageSequence, events, events.Count);
Management\WebEvents.cs (1)
2082s_threadCount = process.Threads.Count;
Security\ADMembershipProvider.cs (1)
4440if ((propertyValues == null) || (propertyValues.Count < 1))
UI\WebParts\CatalogZoneBase.cs (6)
220if (catalogParts != null && catalogParts.Count > 0) { 240if (catalogParts != null && catalogParts.Count > 0) { 522if (catalogParts != null && catalogParts.Count > 0) { 525if (catalogParts.Count > 1) { 592int count = ((availableWebParts != null) ? availableWebParts.Count : 0); 716count = ((availableWebParts != null) ? availableWebParts.Count : 0);
UI\WebParts\ConnectionsZone.cs (2)
1043WebPartManager.GetConsumerConnectionPoints(part).Count : 1044WebPartManager.GetProviderConnectionPoints(part).Count;
UI\WebParts\WebPartChrome.cs (4)
556if (connectionPoints != null && connectionPoints.Count > 0 && 599if (verbs != null && verbs.Count > 0) { 746if ((consumerConnectionPoints == null || consumerConnectionPoints.Count == 0) && 747(providerConnectionPoints == null || providerConnectionPoints.Count == 0)) {
UI\WebParts\WebPartManager.cs (4)
1008if (zoneIndex < renderedParts.Count) { 2336if (points != null && points.Count > 0) { 2545if (points != null && points.Count > 0) { 4407if ((webParts != null) && (webParts.Count != 0)) {
UI\WebParts\WebPartMenu.cs (1)
317if (connectionPoints != null && connectionPoints.Count > 0 &&
UI\WebParts\WebPartVerbCollection.cs (1)
69int count = ((existingVerbs != null) ? existingVerbs.Count : 0) + ((verbs != null) ? verbs.Count : 0);
UI\WebParts\WebPartZoneBase.cs (1)
1225if (webParts == null || webParts.Count == 0) {
System.Windows.Forms (1)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Application.cs (1)
1135while (OpenFormsInternal.Count > 0) {
System.Workflow.ComponentModel (3)
AuthoringOM\Design\DesignerHelpers.cs (2)
1258writer.Write(designerHost.Container.Components.Count); 1289bool outdated = (componentCount != designerHost.Container.Components.Count);
AuthoringOM\Design\ReferenceService.cs (1)
95this.references = new ArrayList(container.Components.Count);