50 references to Log
mscorlib (50)
system\bcldebug.cs (1)
385Log("PERF", "BCL Perf Warning: "+msg);
system\reflection\emit\assemblybuilder.cs (7)
644BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL", "## DYNIL LOGGING: AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule( " + name + " )"); 868BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL", "## DYNIL LOGGING: AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule( " + name + ", " + fileName + ", " + emitSymbolInfo + " )"); 1046BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL", "## DYNIL LOGGING: AssemblyBuilder.DefineResource( " + name + ", " + fileName + ")"); 1136BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL", "## DYNIL LOGGING: AssemblyBuilder.AddResourceFile( " + name + ", " + fileName + ")"); 1576BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL", "## DYNIL LOGGING: AssemblyBuilder.GetDynamicModule( " + name + " )"); 1625BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL", "## DYNIL LOGGING: AssemblyBuilder.SetEntryPoint"); 1788BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL","## DYNIL LOGGING: AssemblyBuilder.Save( " + assemblyFileName + " )");
system\reflection\emit\assemblybuilderdata.cs (3)
320BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL","## DYNIL LOGGING: AssemblyBuilderData.CheckTypeNameConflict( " + strTypeName + " )"); 422BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL","## DYNIL LOGGING: AssemblyBuilderData.AddPublicComType( " + type.FullName + " )"); 440BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL","## DYNIL LOGGING: AssemblyBuilderData.AddPermissionRequests");
system\reflection\emit\enumbuilder.cs (3)
43BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL","## DYNIL LOGGING: EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral( " + literalName + " )"); 56BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL", "## DYNIL LOGGING: EnumBuilder.CreateType() "); 63BCLDebug.Log("DYNIL","## DYNIL LOGGING: EnumBuilder.CreateType() ");
system\resources\resourcereader.cs (12)
168BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "ResourceReader .ctor(String). UnmanagedMemoryStream: "+(_ums!=null)); 193BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "ResourceReader .ctor(Stream). UnmanagedMemoryStream: "+(_ums!=null)); 213BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "ResourceReader .ctor(Stream, Hashtable). UnmanagedMemoryStream: "+(_ums!=null)); 325BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "FindPosForResource for "+name+" hash: "+hash.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 394BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "FindPosForResource for "+name+": Found a hash collision, HOWEVER, neither of these collided values equaled the given string."); 517BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "GetValueForNameIndex: dataPos: "+dataPos); 556BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "LoadString("+pos.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)+" returned "+(s==null ? "[a null string]" : s)); 610BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "LoadObject type: "+type.Name+" pos: 0x"+_store.BaseStream.Position.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 682BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "LoadObjectV2 type: "+typeCode+" pos: 0x"+_store.BaseStream.Position.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 904BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "ReadResources: Parsing ResMgr header v1."); 950BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "ReadResources: Expecting " + _numResources + " resources."); 1072BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "ReadResources: _nameOffset = 0x{0:x} _dataOffset = 0x{1:x}", _nameSectionOffset, _dataSectionOffset));
system\resources\resourcewriter.cs (1)
504BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "Generate: start of DataSection: 0x" + startOfDataSection.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " nameSection length: " + nameSection.Length);
system\resources\runtimeresourceset.cs (3)
194BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "RuntimeResourceSet .ctor(String)"); 214BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "RuntimeResourceSet .ctor(Stream)"); 305BCLDebug.Log("RESMGRFILEFORMAT", "Going down fast path in RuntimeResourceSet::GetObject");
system\runtime\interopservices\windowsruntime\windowsruntimemarshal.cs (20)
256BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Event subscribed for managed instance = " + instance + ", handler = " + handler + "\n"); 303BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] no registrationTokens found for instance=" + instance + ", handler= " + handler + "\n"); 326BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Event unsubscribed for managed instance = " + instance + ", handler = " + handler + ", token = " + token.m_value + "\n"); 351BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Cache cleared for managed instance = " + instance + "\n"); 357BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Start removing all events for instance = " + instance + "\n"); 359BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Finished removing all events for instance = " + instance + "\n"); 426BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Finalizing EventRegistrationTokenList for " + _tokenListCount.Key + "\n"); 473BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Incremented TokenListCount for " + _key + ", Value = " + newCount + "\n"); 484BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Decremented TokenListCount for " + _key + ", Value = " + newCount + "\n"); 500BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Removing " + _key + " from cache" + "\n"); 502BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] s_eventRegistrations size = " + s_eventRegistrations.Count + "\n"); 621BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Event subscribed for instance = " + instanceKey + ", handler = " + handler + "\n"); 677BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Adding (" + instance + "," + removeMethod.Method + ") into cache" + "\n"); 712BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] no registrationTokens found for instance=" + instanceKey + ", handler= " + handler + "\n"); 733BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] no token list found for instance=" + instanceKey + ", handler= " + handler + "\n"); 755BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Event unsubscribed for managed instance = " + instanceKey + ", handler = " + handler + ", token = " + token.m_value + "\n"); 804BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Cache cleared for managed instance = " + instanceKey + "\n"); 815BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Start removing all events for instance = " + instanceKey + "\n"); 817BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Finished removing all events for instance = " + instanceKey + "\n"); 1044BCLDebug.Log("INTEROP", "[WinRT_Eventing] Event unsubscribed for token = " + token.m_value + "\n");