1 write to m_fs
mscorlib (1)
system\io\isolatedstorage\isolatedstoragefilestream.cs (1)
240m_fs = new
43 references to m_fs
mscorlib (43)
system\io\isolatedstorage\isolatedstoragefilestream.cs (43)
273newFileSize = IsolatedStorageFile.RoundToBlockSize((ulong)m_fs.Length); 296return m_fs.CanRead; 303return m_fs.CanWrite; 310return m_fs.CanSeek; 316return m_fs.IsAsync; 322return m_fs.Length; 329return m_fs.Position; 367if (m_fs != null) 368m_fs.Close(); 382m_fs.Flush(); 386m_fs.Flush(flushToDisk); 427ulong oldLen = (ulong)m_fs.Length; 439m_fs.SetLength(value); 470m_fs.Lock(position, length); 479m_fs.Unlock(position, length); 497long pos = m_fs.Position; 499m_fs.Seek((long)oldLen, SeekOrigin.Begin); 505m_fs.Write(buffer, 0, (int)rem); 506m_fs.Position = pos; 527m_fs.Write(buffer, 0, allign); 534m_fs.Write(buffer, 0, s_BlockSize); 539m_fs.Write(buffer, 0, (int) (rem & ((ulong)s_BlockSize - 1))); 542m_fs.Position = pos; 546return m_fs.Read(buffer, offset, count); 550return m_fs.ReadByte(); 571oldLen = (ulong) m_fs.Length; 579newLen = (ulong) ((m_fs.Position + offset) < 0 ? 0 : (m_fs.Position + offset)); 582newLen = (ulong)((m_fs.Length + offset) < 0 ? 0 : (m_fs.Length + offset)); 598ret = m_fs.Seek(offset, origin); 629ulong oldLen = (ulong)m_fs.Length; 630ulong newLen = (ulong)(m_fs.Position + count); 637m_fs.Write(buffer, offset, count); 667ulong oldLen = (ulong)m_fs.Length; 668ulong newLen = (ulong)m_fs.Position + 1; 675m_fs.WriteByte(value); 697return m_fs.BeginRead(buffer, offset, numBytes, userCallback, stateObject); 706return m_fs.EndRead(asyncResult); 722ulong oldLen = (ulong)m_fs.Length; 723ulong newLen = (ulong)m_fs.Position + (ulong)numBytes; 728return m_fs.BeginWrite(buffer, offset, numBytes, userCallback, stateObject); 750m_fs.EndWrite(asyncResult);