10 references to SwapIfGreaterWithItems
mscorlib (10)
system\collections\generic\arraysorthelper.cs (10)
1003SwapIfGreaterWithItems(keys, values, comparer, i, middle); // swap the low with the mid point 1004SwapIfGreaterWithItems(keys, values, comparer, i, j); // swap the low with the high 1005SwapIfGreaterWithItems(keys, values, comparer, middle, j); // swap the middle with the high 1084SwapIfGreaterWithItems(keys, values, comparer, lo, hi); 1089SwapIfGreaterWithItems(keys, values, comparer, lo, hi-1); 1090SwapIfGreaterWithItems(keys, values, comparer, lo, hi); 1091SwapIfGreaterWithItems(keys, values, comparer, hi-1, hi); 1127SwapIfGreaterWithItems(keys, values, comparer, lo, middle); // swap the low with the mid point 1128SwapIfGreaterWithItems(keys, values, comparer, lo, hi); // swap the low with the high 1129SwapIfGreaterWithItems(keys, values, comparer, middle, hi); // swap the middle with the high