5 writes to count
mscorlib (5)
system\collections\hashtable.cs (5)
462count = 0; 480ht.count = 0; 926count++; 1014count++; 1106count--;
12 references to count
mscorlib (12)
system\collections\hashtable.cs (12)
449if (count == 0 && occupancy == 0) 477Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(count,_keycomparer); 610KeyValuePairs[] array = new KeyValuePairs[count]; 881if (count >= loadsize) { 884else if(occupancy > loadsize && count > 100) { 1133get { return count; } 1193Object [] serKeys = new Object[count]; 1194Object [] serValues = new Object[count]; 1315if (array.Length - arrayIndex < _hashtable.count) 1333get { return _hashtable.count; } 1356if (array.Length - arrayIndex < _hashtable.count) 1374get { return _hashtable.count; }