8 writes to CharLen_Prop
mscorlib (8)
system\io\streamreader.cs (8)
954CharLen_Prop = 0; 984CharLen_Prop = 0; // StreamReader's buffer is empty. 989CharLen_Prop += n; // Number of chars in StreamReader's buffer. 1050CharLen_Prop = 0; // StreamReader's buffer is empty. 1059CharLen_Prop += n; // Number of chars in StreamReader's buffer. 1187CharLen_Prop = 0; 1206CharLen_Prop += Decoder_Prop.GetChars(tmpByteBuffer, 0, ByteLen_Prop, CharBuffer_Prop, CharLen_Prop); 1241CharLen_Prop += Decoder_Prop.GetChars(tmpByteBuffer, 0, ByteLen_Prop, CharBuffer_Prop, CharLen_Prop);
14 references to CharLen_Prop
mscorlib (14)
system\io\streamreader.cs (14)
808if (CharPos_Prop == CharLen_Prop && (await ReadBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)) == 0) 816int tmpCharLen = CharLen_Prop; 890StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(CharLen_Prop - CharPos_Prop); 894sb.Append(CharBuffer_Prop, tmpCharPos, CharLen_Prop - tmpCharPos); 895CharPos_Prop = CharLen_Prop; // We consumed these characters 897} while (CharLen_Prop > 0); 934if (CharPos_Prop == CharLen_Prop && (await ReadBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)) == 0) 949int n = CharLen_Prop - CharPos_Prop; 1206CharLen_Prop += Decoder_Prop.GetChars(tmpByteBuffer, 0, ByteLen_Prop, CharBuffer_Prop, CharLen_Prop); 1211return CharLen_Prop; 1222return CharLen_Prop; 1241CharLen_Prop += Decoder_Prop.GetChars(tmpByteBuffer, 0, ByteLen_Prop, CharBuffer_Prop, CharLen_Prop); 1242} while (CharLen_Prop == 0); 1244return CharLen_Prop;