24 references to KeySizes
mscorlib (13)
system\security\cryptography\aes.cs (2)
20private static KeySizes[] s_legalBlockSizes = { new KeySizes(128, 128, 0) }; 21private static KeySizes[] s_legalKeySizes = { new KeySizes(128, 256, 64) };
system\security\cryptography\des.cs (2)
21new KeySizes(64, 64, 0) 24new KeySizes(64, 64, 0)
system\security\cryptography\dsacryptoserviceprovider.cs (1)
76LegalKeySizesValue = new KeySizes[] { new KeySizes(512, 1024, 64) }; // per the DSS spec
system\security\cryptography\rc2.cs (2)
19new KeySizes(64, 64, 0) 22new KeySizes(40, 1024, 8) // 1024 bits is theoretical max according to the RFC
system\security\cryptography\rc2cryptoserviceprovider.cs (1)
23new KeySizes(40, 128, 8) // cryptoAPI implementation only goes up to 128
system\security\cryptography\rijndael.cs (2)
20new KeySizes(128, 256, 64) 24new KeySizes(128, 256, 64)
system\security\cryptography\rsacryptoserviceprovider.cs (1)
117LegalKeySizesValue = new KeySizes[] { new KeySizes(384, 16384, 8) };
system\security\cryptography\tripledes.cs (2)
19new KeySizes(64, 64, 0) 23new KeySizes(2*64, 3*64, 64)
System.Core (8)
System\Security\Cryptography\AesCryptoServiceProvider.cs (3)
325keySizes.Add(new KeySizes(128, 128, 0)); 333keySizes.Add(new KeySizes(192, 192, 0)); 340keySizes.Add(new KeySizes(256, 256, 0));
System\Security\Cryptography\ECDiffieHellmanCng.cs (2)
33private static KeySizes[] s_legalKeySizes = new KeySizes[] { new KeySizes(256, 384, 128), new KeySizes(521, 521, 0) };
System\Security\Cryptography\ECDsaCng.cs (2)
21private static KeySizes[] s_legalKeySizes = new KeySizes[] { new KeySizes(256, 384, 128), new KeySizes(521, 521, 0) };
System\Security\Cryptography\RsaCng.cs (1)
14private static KeySizes[] s_legalKeySizes = new KeySizes[] { new KeySizes(512, 16384, 64) };
System.IdentityModel.Selectors (3)
infocard\client\System\IdentityModel\Selectors\InfoCardRSACryptoProvider.cs (1)
50LegalKeySizesValue[0] = new KeySizes(keySize, keySize, 0);
infocard\client\System\IdentityModel\Selectors\InfoCardSymmetricAlgorithm.cs (2)
66LegalBlockSizesValue = new KeySizes[] { new KeySizes(BlockSizeValue, BlockSizeValue, 0) }; 67LegalKeySizesValue = new KeySizes[] { new KeySizes(KeySizeValue, KeySizeValue, 0) };