4 overrides of BinaryLength
mscorlib (4)
system\security\accesscontrol\ace.cs (4)
826public /* sealed */ override int BinaryLength 1036public override int BinaryLength 1580public /* sealed */ override int BinaryLength 2109public /* sealed */ override int BinaryLength
16 references to BinaryLength
mscorlib (16)
system\security\accesscontrol\ace.cs (9)
114int Length = BinaryLength; // Invokes the most derived property 126else if ( binaryForm.Length - offset < BinaryLength ) 395if (((!( result is ObjectAce )) && (( binaryForm[offset + 2] << 0 ) + ( binaryForm[offset + 3] << 8 ) != result.BinaryLength )) 400|| (( result is ObjectAce ) && (( binaryForm[offset + 2] << 0 ) + ( binaryForm[offset + 3] << 8 ) != result.BinaryLength ) && ((( binaryForm[offset + 2] << 0 ) + ( binaryForm[offset + 3] << 8 ) - 32 ) != result.BinaryLength ))) 549byte[] binaryForm = new byte[BinaryLength]; 576int thisLength = this.BinaryLength; 577int aceLength = ace.BinaryLength; 603int binaryLength = BinaryLength;
system\security\accesscontrol\acl.cs (7)
358int aceLength = ace.BinaryLength; 480binaryLength += ace.BinaryLength; 510int aceLength = ace.BinaryLength; 548if ( value.BinaryLength % 4 != 0 ) 559int newBinaryLength = BinaryLength - ( index < _aces.Count ? ( _aces[index] as GenericAce ).BinaryLength : 0 ) + value.BinaryLength; 582if ( BinaryLength + ace.BinaryLength > MaxBinaryLength )