6 types derived from HMAC
mscorlib (6)
system\security\cryptography\hmacmd5.cs (1)
15public class HMACMD5 : HMAC {
system\security\cryptography\hmacripemd160.cs (1)
15public class HMACRIPEMD160 : HMAC {
system\security\cryptography\hmacsha1.cs (1)
15public class HMACSHA1 : HMAC {
system\security\cryptography\hmacsha256.cs (1)
15public class HMACSHA256 : HMAC {
system\security\cryptography\hmacsha384.cs (1)
15public class HMACSHA384 : HMAC {
system\security\cryptography\hmacsha512.cs (1)
15public class HMACSHA512 : HMAC {
13 references to HMAC
mscorlib (8)
system\security\cryptography\hmac.cs (3)
120new static public HMAC Create () { 124new static public HMAC Create (string algorithmName) { 125return (HMAC) CryptoConfig.CreateFromName(algorithmName);
system\security\cryptography\rfc2898derivebytes.cs (5)
31private HMAC m_hmac; // The pseudo-random generator function used in PBKDF2 63HMAC hmac = HMAC.Create("HMAC" + hashAlgorithm.Name); 102HMAC hmac = HMAC.Create("HMAC" + hashAlgorithm.Name);
System.Security (4)
system\security\cryptography\xml\signedxml.cs (4)
395HMAC hash = macAlg as HMAC; 600HMAC hmac = Utils.CreateFromName<HMAC>(SignatureMethod);
System.Web (1)
Security\Cryptography\SP800_108.cs (1)
67private static byte[] DeriveKeyImpl(HMAC hmac, byte[] label, byte[] context, int keyLengthInBits) {