8 references to Perf
mscorlib (8)
system\io\bufferedstream.cs (3)
110BCLDebug.Perf(!(stream is FileStream), "FileStream is buffered - don't wrap it in a BufferedStream"); 111BCLDebug.Perf(!(stream is MemoryStream), "MemoryStream shouldn't be wrapped in a BufferedStream!"); 112BCLDebug.Perf(!(stream is BufferedStream), "BufferedStream shouldn't be wrapped in another BufferedStream!");
system\io\memorystream.cs (1)
551BCLDebug.Perf(_exposable, "MemoryStream::GetBuffer will let you avoid a copy.");
system\string.cs (3)
3466BCLDebug.Perf(false, "Avoid using String's CharEnumerator until C# special cases foreach on String - use the indexed property on String instead."); 3474BCLDebug.Perf(false, "Avoid using String's CharEnumerator until C# special cases foreach on String - use the indexed property on String instead."); 3482BCLDebug.Perf(false, "Avoid using String's CharEnumerator until C# special cases foreach on String - use the indexed property on String instead.");
system\valuetype.cs (1)
27BCLDebug.Perf(false, "ValueType::Equals is not fast. "+this.GetType().FullName+" should override Equals(Object)");