5 writes to _length
mscorlib (5)
system\io\memorystream.cs (5)
93_length = _capacity = buffer.Length; 121_length = _capacity = index + count; 545_length = newLength; 585_length = i; 648_length = newLength;
28 references to _length
mscorlib (28)
system\io\memorystream.cs (28)
226buffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(_buffer, offset:_origin, count:(_length - _origin)); 243length = _length; 258if (pos > _length) 260_position = _length; 270int n = _length - _position; 302if (_length > 0) Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(_buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, _length); 316return _length - _origin; 352int n = _length - _position; 414if (_position >= _length) return -1; 462Int32 n = InternalEmulateRead(_length - _position); 503int tempPosition = unchecked(_length + (int)offset); 504if ( unchecked(_length + offset) < _origin || tempPosition < _origin ) 531Contract.Ensures(_length - _origin == value); 543if (!allocatedNewArray && newLength > _length) 544Array.Clear(_buffer, _length, newLength - _length); 552byte[] copy = new byte[_length - _origin]; 553Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(_buffer, _origin, copy, 0, _length - _origin); 576if (i > _length) { 577bool mustZero = _position > _length; 584Array.Clear(_buffer, _length, i - _length); 638if (_position >= _length) { 640bool mustZero = _position > _length; 647Array.Clear(_buffer, _length, _position - _length); 661stream.Write(_buffer, _origin, _length - _origin);