3 writes to m_element
mscorlib (3)
system\security\policy\codegroup.cs (3)
52m_element = null; 69m_element = null; 405m_element = e;
27 references to m_element
mscorlib (27)
system\security\policy\codegroup.cs (27)
186if (m_membershipCondition == null && m_element != null) 206if (m_policy == null && m_element != null) 260if (m_policy == null && m_element != null) 283if (m_policy == null && m_element != null) 323if (m_membershipCondition == null && m_element != null) 329if (m_policy == null && m_element != null) 428SecurityElement elMembershipCondition = m_element.SearchForChildByTag( "IMembershipCondition" ); 471if (m_element != null && m_element.InternalChildren != null) 478m_element.Children = (ArrayList)m_element.InternalChildren.Clone(); 488int childCount = m_element.InternalChildren.Count; 492SecurityElement elGroup = (SecurityElement)m_element.Children[i]; 536m_element.InternalChildren.RemoveAt( i ); 542childCount = m_element.InternalChildren.Count; 554m_element.InternalChildren.RemoveAt( i ); 560childCount = m_element.InternalChildren.Count; 608m_element.InternalChildren.Insert( marker.elementIndex, marker.element ); 641SecurityElement localRef = m_element; 650if (m_element != null) 652String permSetName = m_element.Attribute( "PermissionSetName" ); 661SecurityElement elPermSet = m_element.SearchForChildByTag( "PermissionSet" ); 675String attributes = m_element.Attribute( "Attributes" ); 692if (localRef == m_element && m_policy == null) 722if (this.m_membershipCondition == null && this.m_element != null) 724if (that.m_membershipCondition == null && that.m_element != null) 768if (m_membershipCondition == null && m_element != null)