7 instantiations of TimeSpanResult
mscorlib (7)
system\globalization\timespanparse.cs (7)
557TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult(); 568TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult(); 581TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult(); 592TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult(); 605TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult(); 616TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult(); 1553TimeSpanResult innerResult = new TimeSpanResult();
24 references to TimeSpanResult
mscorlib (24)
system\globalization\timespanparse.cs (24)
403internal Boolean ProcessToken(ref TimeSpanToken tok, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 433private bool AddSep(String sep, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 442private bool AddNum(TimeSpanToken num, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 557TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult(); 568TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult(); 581TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult(); 592TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult(); 605TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult(); 616TimeSpanResult parseResult = new TimeSpanResult(); 638private static Boolean TryParseTimeSpan(String input, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, IFormatProvider formatProvider, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 697private static Boolean ProcessTerminalState(ref TimeSpanRawInfo raw, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 731private static Boolean ProcessTerminal_DHMSF(ref TimeSpanRawInfo raw, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 790private static Boolean ProcessTerminal_HMS_F_D(ref TimeSpanRawInfo raw, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 898private static Boolean ProcessTerminal_HM_S_D(ref TimeSpanRawInfo raw, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 1007private static Boolean ProcessTerminal_HM(ref TimeSpanRawInfo raw, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 1067private static Boolean ProcessTerminal_D(ref TimeSpanRawInfo raw, TimeSpanStandardStyles style, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 1128private static Boolean TryParseExactTimeSpan(String input, String format, IFormatProvider formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles styles, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 1170private static Boolean TryParseByFormat(String input, String format, TimeSpanStyles styles, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 1360private static Boolean TryParseTimeSpanConstant(String input, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 1385internal bool TryParse(String input, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 1446internal bool ParseInt(int max, out int i, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 1472internal bool ParseTime(out long time, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 1522private static Boolean TryParseExactMultipleTimeSpan(String input, String[] formats, IFormatProvider formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles styles, ref TimeSpanResult result) { 1553TimeSpanResult innerResult = new TimeSpanResult();