14 references to TicksPerDay
mscorlib (14)
system\datetime.cs (14)
91internal const long MaxTicks = DaysTo10000 * TicksPerDay - 1; 94private const long FileTimeOffset = DaysTo1601 * TicksPerDay; 95private const long DoubleDateOffset = DaysTo1899 * TicksPerDay; 98private const long OADateMinAsTicks = (DaysPer100Years - DaysPerYear) * TicksPerDay; 523return new DateTime((UInt64)(DateToTicks(y, m, d) + InternalTicks % TicksPerDay) | InternalKind); 608return n * TicksPerDay; 708if (ticks > TicksCeiling - TicksPerDay) { 732ticks += TicksPerDay; 846return new DateTime((UInt64)(ticks - ticks % TicksPerDay) | InternalKind); 855int n = (int)(ticks / TicksPerDay); 904int n = (int)(ticks / TicksPerDay); 962return (DayOfWeek)((InternalTicks / TicksPerDay + 1) % 7); 1254return new TimeSpan(InternalTicks % TicksPerDay); 1349if (value < TicksPerDay) // This is a fix for VB. They want the default day to be 1/1/0001 rathar then 12/30/1899.