8 instantiations of POINT
WindowsBase (8)
Base\System\Windows\SplashScreen.cs (3)
225NativeMethods.POINT newSize = new NativeMethods.POINT(width, height); 226NativeMethods.POINT newLocation = new NativeMethods.POINT(x, y); 227NativeMethods.POINT sourceLocation = new NativeMethods.POINT(0, 0);
Shared\MS\Win32\NativeMethodsCLR.cs (5)
5421public POINT ptReserved = new POINT(); 5422public POINT ptMaxSize = new POINT(); 5423public POINT ptMaxPosition = new POINT(); 5424public POINT ptMinTrackSize = new POINT(); 5425public POINT ptMaxTrackSize = new POINT();
28 references to POINT
WindowsBase (28)
Base\System\Windows\SplashScreen.cs (3)
225NativeMethods.POINT newSize = new NativeMethods.POINT(width, height); 226NativeMethods.POINT newLocation = new NativeMethods.POINT(x, y); 227NativeMethods.POINT sourceLocation = new NativeMethods.POINT(0, 0);
Shared\MS\Win32\NativeMethodsCLR.cs (7)
806public POINT ptCurrentPos; 815public POINT ptCurrentPos; 5421public POINT ptReserved = new POINT(); 5422public POINT ptMaxSize = new POINT(); 5423public POINT ptMaxPosition = new POINT(); 5424public POINT ptMinTrackSize = new POINT(); 5425public POINT ptMaxTrackSize = new POINT();
Shared\MS\Win32\SafeNativeMethodsCLR.cs (6)
411public static void ScreenToClient(HandleRef hWnd, [In, Out] NativeMethods.POINT pt) 830ref NativeMethods.POINT lpPoint) 856ref NativeMethods.POINT lpPoint) 966public static extern int IntScreenToClient(HandleRef hWnd, [In, Out] NativeMethods.POINT pt); 1079[In] [Out] ref NativeMethods.POINT lpPoint); 1104[In] [Out] ref NativeMethods.POINT lpPoint);
Shared\MS\Win32\UnsafeNativeMethodsCLR.cs (11)
732private static extern bool IntGetCursorPos([In, Out] NativeMethods.POINT pt); 738internal static bool GetCursorPos([In, Out] NativeMethods.POINT pt) 753private static extern bool IntTryGetCursorPos([In, Out] NativeMethods.POINT pt); 759internal static bool TryGetCursorPos([In, Out] NativeMethods.POINT pt) 1497private static extern int IntClientToScreen(HandleRef hWnd, [In, Out] NativeMethods.POINT pt); 1503public static void ClientToScreen(HandleRef hWnd, [In, Out] NativeMethods.POINT pt) 1740public static extern bool UpdateLayeredWindow(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr hdcDst, NativeMethods.POINT pptDst, NativeMethods.POINT pSizeDst, IntPtr hdcSrc, NativeMethods.POINT pptSrc, int crKey, ref NativeMethods.BLENDFUNCTION pBlend, int dwFlags); 2248NativeMethods.POINT pPtlHimetric, 3706NativeMethods.POINT pt,
Shared\MS\Win32\UnsafeNativeMethodsOther.cs (1)
1588public NativeMethods.POINT pt;