File: Base\MS\Internal\Threading\ExceptionWrapper.cs
Project: wpf\src\WindowsBase.csproj (WindowsBase)
// <copyright file="ExceptionWrapper.cs" company="Microsoft">
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// Description:
using Microsoft.Win32;                       // Registry & ComponentDispatcher & MSG
using System.Security;                       // CAS
using System.Security.Permissions;           // Registry permissions
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;        // SEHException
using System.Diagnostics;                    // Debug & Debugger
using System.Threading;
using MS.Internal.WindowsBase;
namespace System.Windows.Threading
    /// <summary>
    /// Class for Filtering and Catching Exceptions
    /// </summary>
    internal class ExceptionWrapper
        internal ExceptionWrapper()
        // Helper for exception filtering:
        public object TryCatchWhen(object source, Delegate callback, object args, int numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
            object result = null;
                result = InternalRealCall(callback, args, numArgs);
            catch (Exception e) when (FilterException(source, e))
                if (!CatchException(source, e, catchHandler))
            return result;
        private object InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, object args, int numArgs)
            object result = null;
            Debug.Assert(numArgs == 0 || // old API, no args
                         numArgs == 1 || // old API, 1 arg, the args param is it
                         numArgs == -1); // new API, any number of args, the args param is an array of them
            // Support the fast-path for certain 0-param and 1-param delegates, even
            // of an arbitrary "params object[]" is passed.
            int numArgsEx = numArgs;
            object singleArg = args;
            if(numArgs == -1)
                object[] argsArr = (object[])args;
                if (argsArr == null || argsArr.Length == 0)
                    numArgsEx = 0;
                else if(argsArr.Length == 1)
                    numArgsEx = 1;
                    singleArg = argsArr[0];
            // Special-case delegates that we know about to avoid the
            // expensive DynamicInvoke call.
            if(numArgsEx == 0)
                Action action = callback as Action;
                if (action != null)
                    Dispatcher.ShutdownCallback shutdownCallback = callback as Dispatcher.ShutdownCallback;
                    if(shutdownCallback != null)
                        // The delegate could return anything.
                        result = callback.DynamicInvoke();
            else if(numArgsEx == 1)
                DispatcherOperationCallback dispatcherOperationCallback = callback as DispatcherOperationCallback;
                if(dispatcherOperationCallback != null)
                    result = dispatcherOperationCallback(singleArg);
                    SendOrPostCallback sendOrPostCallback = callback as SendOrPostCallback;
                    if(sendOrPostCallback != null)
                        if(numArgs == -1)
                            // Explicitly pass an object[] to DynamicInvoke so that
                            // it will not try to wrap the arg in another object[].
                            result = callback.DynamicInvoke((object[])args);
                            // By pass the args parameter as a single object,
                            // DynamicInvoke will wrap it in an object[] due to the
                            // params keyword.
                            result = callback.DynamicInvoke(args);
                // Explicitly pass an object[] to DynamicInvoke so that
                // it will not try to wrap the arg in another object[].
                result = callback.DynamicInvoke((object[])args);
            return result;
        private bool FilterException(object source, Exception e)
            // If we have a Catch handler we should catch the exception
            // unless the Filter handler says we shouldn't.
            bool shouldCatch = (null != Catch);
            if(null != Filter)
                shouldCatch = Filter(source, e);
            return shouldCatch;
        // This returns false when caller should rethrow the exception.
        // true means Exception is "handled" and things just continue on.
        private bool CatchException(object source, Exception e, Delegate catchHandler)
            if (catchHandler != null)
                if(catchHandler is DispatcherOperationCallback)
            if(null != Catch)
                return Catch(source, e);
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Exception Catch Handler Delegate
        ///  Returns true if the exception is "handled"
        ///  Returns false if the caller should rethow the exception.
        /// </summary>
        public delegate bool CatchHandler(object source, Exception e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Exception Catch Handler
        ///  Returns true if the exception is "handled"
        ///  Returns false if the caller should rethow the exception.
        /// </summary>
        public event CatchHandler Catch;
        public delegate bool FilterHandler(object source, Exception e);
        public event FilterHandler Filter;