File: Base\MS\Internal\Security\AttachmentService.cs
Project: wpf\src\WindowsBase.csproj (WindowsBase)
// <copyright file="AttachmentServic.cs" company="Microsoft">
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. </copyright>
// <description>
// Exposes IAttachmentExecute in a CLR friendly design.
// </description>
// History:
//  11/09/2005: FrankGor: Initial implementation.
//  24/02/2006: FrankGor: Moved to Base to share with Metro
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using MS.Internal.WindowsBase;
namespace MS.Internal.Security
/// <summary>
/// Exposes IAttachmentExecute in a CLR friendly design.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Only implemented the single method we are using SaveWithUI.
/// </remarks>
internal sealed class AttachmentService : IDisposable
    #region Constructors
    // Constructors
    /// <SecurityNote>
    /// Critical:
    ///  1) Sets _native
    ///  2) Calls into _native which is a security suppressed interface
    /// TreatAsSafe:
    ///  1) This is the only constructor we are safe to set it here to a new 
    ///     instance of the interface.
    ///  2) Setting the identity of the client once is a safe use of the
    ///     interface.
    /// </SecurityNote>
    [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
    private AttachmentService()
        _native = (ISecuritySuppressedIAttachmentExecute)new AttachmentServices();
        _native.SetClientGuid(ref _clientId);
    #endregion Constructors
    #region Internal Methods
    // Internal Methods
    /// <summary>
    /// This method will invoke IAttachment.SaveWithUI; see MSDN documentation.
    /// </summary>
    /// <SecurityNote>
    /// Critical:
    ///  1) Calls into _native which is a security suppressed interface; the
    ///     method called may alter the file
    ///  2) The data provided to the _native method is used for security
    ///     decisions
    /// NotSafe:
    ///  1) Only the caller can assert that altering this file is done with
    ///     user consent
    ///  2) Only the caller can atest to the veracity of the values being used
    ///     for security decisions
    /// </SecurityNote>
    internal static void SaveWithUI(IntPtr parent, Uri source, Uri target)
        using (AttachmentService service = new AttachmentService())
            ISecuritySuppressedIAttachmentExecute native = service._native;
            // Call SetSource since web sources is verifiable.
            // Call SetLocalPath since function has copied the file into a 
            // location selected by the user.
            // Do not call SetFileName since we have the local path.
            // Do not call SetReferrer since we do not have a better zone 
            // than the default (Restricted sites).
            // Call Safe to have 'Mark of the Web' added.
    #endregion Internal Methods
    #region IDisposable Members
    // IDisposable Members
    /// <summary>
    /// Exposes IAttachmentExecute in a CLR friendly design.
    /// </summary>
    public void Dispose()
    /// <SecurityNote>
    /// Critical:
    ///  1) Accesses (get and set) _native
    ///  2) Calls Marshal.ReleaseComObject
    /// TreatAsSafe:
    ///  1) Does not leak _native and set's it to null (safe)
    ///  2) Target of Marshal.ReleaseComObject is an object we created
    /// </SecurityNote>
    [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
    private void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing)
            if (_native != null)
                _native = null;
    #endregion IDisposable Members
    #region Finalizers
    // Finalizers
    /// <summary>
    /// Exposes IAttachmentExecute in a CLR friendly design.
    /// </summary>
    #endregion Finalizers
    #region Private Fields
    // Private Fields
    /// <SecurityNote>
    /// Critical:
    ///  1) Is the target of a call to Marshal.ReleaseComObject
    ///  2) It must not change between calls as a sequence of calls to this
    ///     value is used to set the InternetZone of a locally saved file
    ///  3) It represents a security suppressed interface (which is critical)
    /// </SecurityNote>
    private ISecuritySuppressedIAttachmentExecute _native;
    private readonly Guid _clientId = new Guid("{D5734190-005C-4d76-B0DD-2FA89BE0B622}");
    #endregion Private Fields
    #region Private Unmanaged Interfaces
    //  Private Unmanaged Interfaces
    [ComImport, Guid("4125DD96-E03A-4103-8F70-E0597D803B9C")]
    private class AttachmentServices
    //  IAttachmentExecute - COM object designed to help client applications
    //      safely manage saving and opening attachments for users.
    //      clients are assumed to have some policy/settings already
    //      to determine the support and behavior for attachments.
    //      this API assumes that the client is interactive with the user
    private interface ISecuritySuppressedIAttachmentExecute
        //  ClientTitle - (optional) caller specific title for the prompt
        //    if unset, the prompts come with a default title of "File Download"
        int SetClientTitle(string pszTitle);
        //  ClientGuid - (optional) for storing user specific settings
        //      someprompts are allowed to be avoided in the future if the user
        //      chooses.  that choice is stored on per-client basis indexed by the ClientGuid
        //      Specific Example: In the User Trust Prompt there is a check box that is checked
        //      by default, but may be unchecked by the user.  this option is stored under the ClientGuid
        //      based on the file type.
        //      ClearClientState() will reset any user options stored on the clients behalf.
        /// <SecurityNote>
        /// Critical:
        ///  1) SUC'd
        /// </SecurityNote>
        int SetClientGuid(ref Guid guid);
        //  EVIDENCE properties
        //  LocalPath - (REQUIRED) path that would be passed to ShellExecute()
        //      if FileName was already used for the Check() and Prompt() calls,
        //      and the LocalPath points to a different handler than predicted,
        //      previous trust may be revoked, and the Policy and User trust re-verified.
        /// <SecurityNote>
        /// Critical:
        ///  1) SUC'd
        /// </SecurityNote>
        int SetLocalPath(string pszLocalPath);
        //  FileName - (optional) proposed name (not path) to be used to construct LocalPath
        //      optionally use this if the caller wants to perform Check() before copying
        //      the file to the LocalPath.  (eg, Check() proposed download)
        int SetFileName(string pszFileName);
        //  Source - (optional) alternate identity path or URL for a file transfer
        //      used as the primary Zone determinant.  if this is NULL default to the Restricted Zone.
        //      may also be used in the Prompt() UI for the "From" field
        //      may also be sent to handlers that can process URLs
        /// <SecurityNote>
        /// Critical:
        ///  1) SUC'd
        /// </SecurityNote>
        int SetSource(string pszSource);
        //  Referrer - (optional) Zone determinant for container or link types
        //      only used for Zone/Policy
        //      container formats like ZIP and OLE packager use the Referrer to
        //      indicate indirect inheritance and avoid Zone elevation.
        //      Shortcuts can also use it to limit elevation based on parameters
        int SetReferrer(string pszReferrer);
        //  CheckPolicy() - examines available evidence and checks the resultant policy
        //      * requires FileName or LocalPath
        //  Returns S_OK for enable
        //          S_FALSE for prompt
        //          FAILURE for disable
        int CheckPolicy();
        //  Prompt() - application can force UI at an earlier point,
        //      even before the file has been copied to disk
        //      * requires FileName or LocalPath
        int Prompt(IntPtr hwnd, ATTACHMENT_PROMPT prompt, out ATTACHMENT_ACTION paction);
        //  Save() - should always be called if LocalPath is in not in a temp dir
        //      * requires valid LocalPath
        //      * called after the file has been copied to LocalPath
        //      * may run virus scanners or other trust services to validate the file.
        //          these services may delete or alter the file
        //      * may attach evidence to the LocalPath
        int Save();
        //  Execute() - will call Prompt() if necessary, with the EXEC action
        //      * requires valid LocalPath
        //      * called after the file has been copied to LocalPath
        //      * may run virus scanners or other trust services to validate the file.
        //          these services may delete or alter the file
        //      * may attach evidence to the LocalPath
        //      phProcess - if non-NULL Execute() will be synchronous and return an HPROCESS if available
        //                  if null Execute() will be async, implies that you have a message pump and a long lived window
        int Execute(IntPtr hwnd, string pszVerb, out IntPtr phProcess);
        //   SaveWithUI() - superset of Save() that can show modal error UI, but still does not call Prompt()
        //      * requires valid LocalPath
        //      * called after the file has been copied to LocalPath
        //      * may run virus scanners or other trust services to validate the file.
        //          these services may delete or alter the file
        //      * may attach evidence to the LocalPath
        /// <SecurityNote>
        /// Critical:
        ///  1) SUC'd
        /// </SecurityNote>
        int SaveWithUI(IntPtr hwnd);
        //  ClearClientState() - removes any state that is stored based on the ClientGuid
        //      * requires SetClientGuid() to be called first
        int ClearClientState();
    private enum ATTACHMENT_PROMPT
        ATTACHMENT_PROMPT_NONE              = 0x0000,
        ATTACHMENT_PROMPT_SAVE              = 0x0001,
        ATTACHMENT_PROMPT_EXEC              = 0x0002,
        ATTACHMENT_PROMPT_EXEC_OR_SAVE      = 0x0003,
    private enum ATTACHMENT_ACTION
        ATTACHMENT_ACTION_CANCEL            = 0x0000,
        ATTACHMENT_ACTION_SAVE              = 0x0001,
        ATTACHMENT_ACTION_EXEC              = 0x0002,
    #endregion Private Unmanaged Interface imports