File: Base\MS\Internal\InheritanceContextHelper.cs
Project: wpf\src\WindowsBase.csproj (WindowsBase)
* File: InheritanceContextHelper.cs
* This file holds a helper class for DO subclasses that implement an
* inheritance context.
* Copyright (C) by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Windows;
using MS.Internal.WindowsBase;
namespace MS.Internal
    internal static class InheritanceContextHelper
        //  ProvideContextForObject
        //  Tell a DO that it has a new inheritance context available.
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Core, also used by Framework.
        internal static void ProvideContextForObject(
            DependencyObject context,
            DependencyObject newValue )
            if (context != null)
                context.ProvideSelfAsInheritanceContext(newValue, null);
        //  RemoveContextFromObject
        //  Tell a DO that it has lost its inheritance context.
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework.
        internal static void RemoveContextFromObject(
            DependencyObject context,
            DependencyObject oldValue )
            if (context != null && oldValue.InheritanceContext == context)
                context.RemoveSelfAsInheritanceContext(oldValue, null);
        //  AddInheritanceContext
        //  Implementation to receive a new inheritance context
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework.
        internal static void AddInheritanceContext(DependencyObject newInheritanceContext,
                                                              DependencyObject value,
                                                              ref bool hasMultipleInheritanceContexts,
                                                              ref DependencyObject inheritanceContext )
            // ignore the request when the new context is the same as the old,
            // or when there are already multiple contexts
            if (newInheritanceContext != inheritanceContext &&
                if (inheritanceContext == null || newInheritanceContext == null)
                    // Pick up the new context
                    inheritanceContext = newInheritanceContext;
                    // We are now being referenced from multiple
                    // places, clear the context
                    hasMultipleInheritanceContexts = true;
                    inheritanceContext = null;
        //  RemoveInheritanceContext
        //  Implementation to remove an old inheritance context
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Base, also used by Framework.
        internal static void RemoveInheritanceContext(DependencyObject oldInheritanceContext,
                                                              DependencyObject value,
                                                              ref bool hasMultipleInheritanceContexts,
                                                              ref DependencyObject inheritanceContext )
            // ignore the request when the given context doesn't match the old one,
            // or when there are already multiple contexts
            if (oldInheritanceContext == inheritanceContext &&
                // clear the context
                inheritanceContext = null;