62 references to MenuType
UIAutomationClientsideProviders (62)
MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\NonClientArea.cs (2)
159WindowsMenu appMenu = new WindowsMenu(hwnd, nonClientArea, menu, WindowsMenu.MenuType.Toplevel, (int) NonClientItem.Menu); 549menuProxy = new WindowsMenu(_hwnd, this, menu, WindowsMenu.MenuType.Toplevel, (int)NonClientItem.Menu);
MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\WindowsMenu.cs (60)
51internal WindowsMenu(IntPtr hwnd, ProxyFragment parent, IntPtr hmenu, MenuType type, int item) 69case MenuType.Toplevel : 76case MenuType.System : 90case MenuType.SystemPopup : 105case MenuType.Submenu : 154if (_type == MenuType.Submenu && GetHierarchyParent(_hwnd) == null && GetSystemPopupParent() != null) 156_type = MenuType.SystemPopup; 173MenuType type = MenuType.Toplevel; 215return new WindowsMenu(hwnd, parent, hSysMenu, MenuType.System, 1); 391if (_parent != null && _type == MenuType.Submenu) 554MenuType currentType = GetSubMenuType(hwnd, menu); 555MenuType parentType = MenuType.Toplevel; 557if (currentType == MenuType.Submenu) 565if (parentType == MenuType.Toplevel) 588private static bool GetSubMenuParent (IntPtr hwndMenu, out IntPtr menuParent, out IntPtr hwndParent, out int ownerMenuItemPos, out MenuType parentType) 594parentType = MenuType.Toplevel; 623parentType = MenuType.Toplevel; 678internal static MenuType GetSubMenuType (IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr hMenu) 682return MenuType.SystemPopup; 687return MenuType.Submenu; 690return MenuType.Context; 718if (_type == MenuType.System) 811case MenuType.System: 844case MenuType.Toplevel: 865case MenuType.Toplevel: 868case MenuType.System: 871case MenuType.SystemPopup: 874case MenuType.Submenu: 995if (parentInfo._type == MenuType.System) 1031if (parentInfo._type == MenuType.System) 1127private MenuType _type; 1155internal MenuType _type; // type of the menu on which menuItem lives 1157internal MenuParentInfo (IntPtr hwndParent, int menuItem, MenuType type) 1186internal MenuItem (IntPtr hwnd, ProxyFragment parent, int item, IntPtr hmenu, WindowsMenu.MenuType type) 1262if (_menuType == WindowsMenu.MenuType.System) 1314if (_menuType == WindowsMenu.MenuType.System) 1457if ((_menuType == MenuType.Toplevel || _menuType == MenuType.System)) 1545MenuType type = ((WindowsMenu)_parent)._type; 1549case MenuType.System: 1553case MenuType.Submenu: 1554case MenuType.SystemPopup: 1618IntPtr submenu = _menuType == MenuType.System ? _hmenu : UnsafeNativeMethods.GetSubMenu (_hmenu, _item); 1628WindowsMenu.MenuType type = WindowsMenu.GetSubMenuType (hwndSubmenu, submenu); 1637IntPtr submenu = _menuType == MenuType.System ? _hmenu : UnsafeNativeMethods.GetSubMenu (_hmenu, _item); 1647WindowsMenu.MenuType type = WindowsMenu.GetSubMenuType (hwndSubmenu, submenu); 1729if (_menuType == WindowsMenu.MenuType.Toplevel) 1772if (_menuType == WindowsMenu.MenuType.Toplevel) 1960if (_menuType == WindowsMenu.MenuType.System) 2164WindowsMenu.MenuType type = WindowsMenu.GetSubMenuType(hwndSubmenu, hSubmenu); 2252if (_menuType == WindowsMenu.MenuType.Submenu || _menuType == WindowsMenu.MenuType.Context || _menuType == WindowsMenu.MenuType.SystemPopup) 2324if (this._menuType == MenuType.Toplevel) 2410if (_menuType == WindowsMenu.MenuType.System) 2416if (_item == 0 && _menuType == WindowsMenu.MenuType.Toplevel && 2662if (_menuType == WindowsMenu.MenuType.System) 2843internal WindowsMenu.MenuType _menuType;