1 write to top
UIAutomationClient (1)
MS\Win32\NativeMethods.cs (1)
91this.top = top;
18 references to top
UIAutomationClient (18)
MS\Internal\Automation\BoundingRectTracker.cs (4)
122new Rect (rc32.left, rc32.top, rc32.right - rc32.left, rc32.bottom - rc32.top)); 141&& rc1.top == rc2.top
MS\Internal\Automation\HwndProxyElementProvider.cs (13)
258return new Rect(rcW32.left, rcW32.top, rcW32.right - rcW32.left, rcW32.bottom - rcW32.top); 671int currentHeight = currentRect.bottom - currentRect.top; 767int currentHeight = currentRect.bottom - currentRect.top; 775int newHeight = wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom - wp.rcNormalPosition.top; 780wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom = wp.rcNormalPosition.top + currentHeight; 842wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom = (heightInt + wp.rcNormalPosition.top); 1479if( (rcW32.right - rcW32.left) <= 0 || (rcW32.bottom - rcW32.top) <= 0) 1704&& y >= rc.top && y < rc.bottom; 1710&& rc1.top >= rc2.top 1789int y1 = (rc.top + rc.bottom) / 2; 1821if (!SafeNativeMethods.PtInRegion(hrgn, (int)xLogical - rc.left, (int)yLogical - rc.top))
MS\Win32\NativeMethods.cs (1)
100return left >= right || top >= bottom;