File: sys\System\EnvironmentHelpers.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\System.csproj (System)
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Security.Principal;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
namespace System
    internal static class EnvironmentHelpers
        private static volatile bool s_IsAppContainerProcess;
        private static volatile bool s_IsAppContainerProcessInitalized;
        public static bool IsAppContainerProcess {
            get {
                if(!s_IsAppContainerProcessInitalized) {
                   if(Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Win32NT) {
                       s_IsAppContainerProcess = false;
                   } else if(Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 6 || (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major == 6 && Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor <= 1)) {
                       // Windows 7 or older.
                       s_IsAppContainerProcess = false;
                   } else {
                       s_IsAppContainerProcess = HasAppContainerToken();
                    s_IsAppContainerProcessInitalized = true;
                return s_IsAppContainerProcess;
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode | SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPrincipal)]
        private static unsafe bool HasAppContainerToken() {
            int* dwIsAppContainerPtr = stackalloc int[1];
            uint dwLength = 0;
            using (WindowsIdentity wi = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(TokenAccessLevels.Query)) {
                if (!UnsafeNativeMethods.GetTokenInformation(wi.Token, UnsafeNativeMethods.TokenIsAppContainer, new IntPtr(dwIsAppContainerPtr), sizeof(int), out dwLength)) {
                    throw new Win32Exception();
            return (*dwIsAppContainerPtr != 0);
        internal static bool IsWindowsVistaOrAbove()
            // Method should match the logic of the internal Environment.IsWindowsVista property in mscorlib
            // If this method turns out to be heavily used we might want to cache at least part of this value.
            OperatingSystem os = Environment.OSVersion;
            return os.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT && os.Version.Major >= 6;