File: security\system\security\Authentication\ExtendedProtection\ServiceNameCollection.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\System.csproj (System)
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
namespace System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection
    // derived from ReadOnlyCollectionBase because it needs to be back ported to .Net 1.x
    [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design","CA1058:TypesShouldNotExtendCertainBaseTypes", Justification="changing this would be a breaking change; this code has already shipped")]
    public class ServiceNameCollection : ReadOnlyCollectionBase
        public ServiceNameCollection(ICollection items)
            if (items == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("items");
            // Normalize and filter for duplicates
            foreach (string serviceName in items)
                AddIfNew(InnerList, serviceName);
        public ServiceNameCollection Merge(string serviceName)
            ArrayList newServiceNames = new ArrayList(); // be compatible with .Net 1.x; no generics
            AddIfNew(newServiceNames, serviceName);
            ServiceNameCollection newCollection = new ServiceNameCollection(newServiceNames);
            return newCollection;
        public ServiceNameCollection Merge(IEnumerable serviceNames)
            ArrayList newServiceNames = new ArrayList(); // be compatible with .Net 1.x; no generics
            // we have a pretty bad performance here: O(n^2), but since service name lists should 
            // be small (<<50) and Merge() should not be called frequently, this shouldn't be an issue
            foreach (object item in serviceNames) {
                AddIfNew(newServiceNames, item as string);
            ServiceNameCollection newCollection = new ServiceNameCollection(newServiceNames);
            return newCollection;
        // Normalize, check for duplicates, and add if the value is unique
        private static void AddIfNew(ArrayList newServiceNames, string serviceName)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceName)) {
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.security_ServiceNameCollection_EmptyServiceName));
            serviceName = NormalizeServiceName(serviceName);
            if (!Contains(serviceName, newServiceNames)) {
        // Assumes searchServiceName and serviceNames have already been normalized
        internal static bool Contains(string searchServiceName, ICollection serviceNames)
            Debug.Assert(serviceNames != null);
            foreach (string serviceName in serviceNames) {
                if (Match(serviceName, searchServiceName))  {
                    return true;
            return false;
        public bool Contains(string searchServiceName)
            string searchName = NormalizeServiceName(searchServiceName);
            return Contains(searchName, InnerList);
        // Normalizes any punycode to unicode in an Service Name (SPN) host.
        // If the algorithm fails at any point then the original input is returned.
        // ServiceName is in one of the following forms:
        // prefix/host
        // prefix/host:port
        // prefix/host/DistinguishedName
        // prefix/host:port/DistinguishedName
        internal static string NormalizeServiceName(string inputServiceName)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputServiceName))
                return inputServiceName;
            // Separate out the prefix
            int shashIndex = inputServiceName.IndexOf('/');
            if (shashIndex < 0)
                return inputServiceName;
            string prefix = inputServiceName.Substring(0, shashIndex + 1); // Includes slash
            string hostPortAndDistinguisher = inputServiceName.Substring(shashIndex + 1); // Excludes slash
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hostPortAndDistinguisher))
                return inputServiceName;
            string host = hostPortAndDistinguisher;
            string port = string.Empty;
            string distinguisher = string.Empty;
            // Check for the absence of a port or distinguisher.
            UriHostNameType hostType = Uri.CheckHostName(hostPortAndDistinguisher);
            if (hostType == UriHostNameType.Unknown)
                string hostAndPort = hostPortAndDistinguisher;
                // Check for distinguisher
                int nextSlashIndex = hostPortAndDistinguisher.IndexOf('/');
                if (nextSlashIndex >= 0)
                    // host:port/distinguisher or host/distinguisher
                    hostAndPort = hostPortAndDistinguisher.Substring(0, nextSlashIndex); // Excludes Slash
                    distinguisher = hostPortAndDistinguisher.Substring(nextSlashIndex); // Includes Slash
                    host = hostAndPort; // We don't know if there is a port yet.
                    // No need to validate the distinguisher
                // Check for port
                int colonIndex = hostAndPort.LastIndexOf(':'); // Allow IPv6 addresses
                if (colonIndex >= 0)
                    // host:port
                    host = hostAndPort.Substring(0, colonIndex); // Excludes colon 
                    port = hostAndPort.Substring(colonIndex + 1); // Excludes colon 
                    // Loosely validate the port just to make sure it was a port and not something else
                    UInt16 portValue;
                    if (!UInt16.TryParse(port, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out portValue))
                        return inputServiceName;
                    // Re-include the colon for the final output.  Do not change the port format.
                    port = hostAndPort.Substring(colonIndex);
                hostType = Uri.CheckHostName(host); // Revaidate the host
            if (hostType != UriHostNameType.Dns)
                // UriHostNameType.IPv4, UriHostNameType.IPv6: Do not normalize IPv4/6 hosts.
                // UriHostNameType.Basic: This is never returned by CheckHostName today
                // UriHostNameType.Unknown: Nothing recognizable to normalize
                // default Some new UriHostNameType?                       
                return inputServiceName;
            // Now we have a valid DNS host, normalize it.
            Uri constructedUri;
            // This shouldn't fail, but we need to avoid any unexpected exceptions on this code path.
            if (!Uri.TryCreate(Uri.UriSchemeHttp + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + host, UriKind.Absolute, out constructedUri))
                return inputServiceName;
            string normalizedHost = constructedUri.GetComponents(
                UriComponents.NormalizedHost, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped);
            string normalizedServiceName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, 
                "{0}{1}{2}{3}", prefix, normalizedHost, port, distinguisher);
            // Don't return the new one unless we absolutely have to.  It may have only changed casing.
            if (Match(inputServiceName, normalizedServiceName))
                return inputServiceName; 
            return normalizedServiceName;
        // Assumes already normalized
        internal static bool Match(string serviceName1, string serviceName2)
            return (String.Compare(serviceName1, serviceName2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);