File: net\System\Net\Sockets\_MultipleConnectAsync.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\System.csproj (System)
// <copyright file="_MultipleConnectAsync.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>                                                                
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Net.Sockets
    // This object is used to wrap a bunch of ConnectAsync operations
    // on behalf of a single user call to ConnectAsync with a DnsEndPoint
    internal abstract class MultipleConnectAsync
        protected SocketAsyncEventArgs userArgs;
        protected SocketAsyncEventArgs internalArgs;
        protected DnsEndPoint endPoint;
        protected IPAddress[] addressList;
        protected int nextAddress;
        private enum State
        private State state;
        private object lockObject = new object();
        // Called by Socket to kick off the ConnectAsync process.  We'll complete the user's SAEA
        // when it's done.  Returns true if the operation will be asynchronous, false if it has failed synchronously
        public bool StartConnectAsync(SocketAsyncEventArgs args, DnsEndPoint endPoint)
            lock (lockObject)
                GlobalLog.Assert(endPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.Unspecified ||
                     endPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork ||
                     endPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6,
                     "MultipleConnectAsync.StartConnectAsync(): Unexpected endpoint address family - " + endPoint.AddressFamily.ToString());
                this.userArgs = args;
                this.endPoint = endPoint;
                // If Cancel() was called before we got the lock, it only set the state to Canceled: we need to
                // fail synchronously from here.  Once State.DnsQuery is set, the Cancel() call will handle calling AsyncFail.
                if (state == State.Canceled)
                    SyncFail(new SocketException(SocketError.OperationAborted));
                    return false;
                GlobalLog.Assert(state == State.NotStarted, "MultipleConnectAsync.StartConnectAsync(): Unexpected object state");
                state = State.DnsQuery;
                IAsyncResult result = Dns.BeginGetHostAddresses(endPoint.Host, new AsyncCallback(DnsCallback), null);
                if (result.CompletedSynchronously)
                    return DoDnsCallback(result, true);
                    return true;
        // Callback which fires when the Dns Resolve is complete
        private void DnsCallback(IAsyncResult result)
            if (!result.CompletedSynchronously)
                DoDnsCallback(result, false);
        // Called when the DNS query completes (either synchronously or asynchronously).  Checks for failure and
        // starts the first connection attempt if it succeeded.  Returns true if the operation will be asynchronous,
        // false if it has failed synchronously.
        private bool DoDnsCallback(IAsyncResult result, bool sync)
            Exception exception = null;
            lock (lockObject)
                // If the connection attempt was canceled during the dns query, the user's callback has already been
                // called asynchronously and we simply need to return.
                if (state == State.Canceled)
                    return true;
                GlobalLog.Assert(state == State.DnsQuery, "MultipleConnectAsync.DoDnsCallback(): Unexpected object state");
                    addressList = Dns.EndGetHostAddresses(result);
                    GlobalLog.Assert(addressList != null, "MultipleConnectAsync.DoDnsCallback(): EndGetHostAddresses returned null!");
                catch (Exception e)
                    state = State.Completed;
                    exception = e;
                // If the dns query succeeded, try to connect to the first address
                if (exception == null)
                    state = State.ConnectAttempt;
                    internalArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                    internalArgs.Completed += InternalConnectCallback;
                    internalArgs.SetBuffer(userArgs.Buffer, userArgs.Offset, userArgs.Count);
                    exception = AttemptConnection();
                    if (exception != null)
                        // There was a synchronous error while connecting
                        state = State.Completed;
            // Call this outside of the lock because it might call the user's callback.
            if (exception != null)
                return Fail(sync, exception);
                return true;
        // Callback which fires when an internal connection attempt completes.
        // If it failed and there are more addresses to try, do it.
        private void InternalConnectCallback(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs args)
            Exception exception = null;
            lock (lockObject)
                if (state == State.Canceled)
                    // If Cancel was called before we got the lock, the Socket will be closed soon.  We need to report
                    // OperationAborted (even though the connection actually completed), or the user will try to use a 
                    // closed Socket.
                    exception = new SocketException(SocketError.OperationAborted);
                    GlobalLog.Assert(state == State.ConnectAttempt, "MultipleConnectAsync.InternalConnectCallback(): Unexpected object state");
                    if (args.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
                        // the connection attempt succeeded; go to the completed state.
                        // the callback will be called outside the lock
                        state = State.Completed;
                    else if (args.SocketError == SocketError.OperationAborted)
                        // The socket was closed while the connect was in progress.  This can happen if the user
                        // closes the socket, and is equivalent to a call to CancelConnectAsync
                        exception = new SocketException(SocketError.OperationAborted);
                        state = State.Canceled;
                        // Try again, if there are more IPAddresses to be had.
                        // Keep track of this because it will be overwritten by AttemptConnection
                        SocketError currentFailure = args.SocketError;
                        Exception connectException = AttemptConnection();
                        if (connectException == null)
                            // don't call the callback, another connection attempt is successfully started
                            SocketException socketException = connectException as SocketException;
                            if (socketException != null && socketException.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.NoData)
                                // If the error is NoData, that means there are no more IPAddresses to attempt
                                // a connection to.  Return the last error from an actual connection instead.
                                exception = new SocketException(currentFailure);
                                exception = connectException;
                            state = State.Completed;
            if (exception == null)
        // Called to initiate a connection attempt to the next address in the list.  Returns an exception
        // if the attempt failed synchronously, or null if it was successfully initiated.
        private Exception AttemptConnection()
                Socket attemptSocket = null;
                IPAddress attemptAddress = GetNextAddress(out attemptSocket);
                if (attemptAddress == null)
                    return new SocketException(SocketError.NoData);
                GlobalLog.Assert(attemptSocket != null, "MultipleConnectAsync.AttemptConnection: attemptSocket is null!");
                internalArgs.RemoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(attemptAddress, endPoint.Port);
                if (!attemptSocket.ConnectAsync(internalArgs))
                    return new SocketException(internalArgs.SocketError);
            catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                // This can happen if the user closes the socket, and is equivalent to a call 
                // to CancelConnectAsync
                return new SocketException(SocketError.OperationAborted);
            catch (Exception e)
                return e;
            return null;
        protected abstract void OnSucceed();
        protected void Succeed()
            userArgs.FinishWrapperConnectSuccess(internalArgs.ConnectSocket, internalArgs.BytesTransferred, internalArgs.SocketFlags);
        protected abstract void OnFail(bool abortive);
        private bool Fail(bool sync, Exception e)
            if (sync)
                return false;
                return true;
        private void SyncFail(Exception e)
            if (internalArgs != null)
            SocketException socketException = e as SocketException;
            if (socketException != null)
                userArgs.FinishConnectByNameSyncFailure(socketException, 0, SocketFlags.None);
                throw e;
        private void AsyncFail(Exception e)
            if (internalArgs != null)
            userArgs.FinishOperationAsyncFailure(e, 0, SocketFlags.None);
        public void Cancel()
            bool callOnFail = false;
            lock (lockObject)
                switch (state)
                    case State.NotStarted:
                        // Cancel was called before the Dns query was started.  The dns query won't be started
                        // and the connection attempt will fail synchronously after the state change to DnsQuery.
                        // All we need to do here is close all the sockets.
                        callOnFail = true;
                    case State.DnsQuery:
                        // Cancel was called after the Dns query was started, but before it finished.  We can't
                        // actually cancel the Dns query, but we'll fake it by failing the connect attempt asynchronously
                        // from here, and silently dropping the connection attempt when the Dns query finishes.
                        callOnFail = true;
                    case State.ConnectAttempt:
                        // Cancel was called after the Dns query completed, but before we had a connection result to give
                        // to the user.  Closing the sockets will cause any in-progress ConnectAsync call to fail immediately
                        // with OperationAborted, and will cause ObjectDisposedException from any new calls to ConnectAsync
                        // (which will be translated to OperationAborted by AttemptConnection).
                        callOnFail = true;
                    case State.Completed:
                        // Cancel was called after we locked in a result to give to the user.  Ignore it and give the user
                        // the real completion.
                        GlobalLog.Assert("MultipleConnectAsync.Cancel(): Unexpected object state");
                state = State.Canceled;
            // Call this outside the lock because Socket.Close may block
            if (callOnFail)
        // Call AsyncFail on a threadpool thread so it's asynchronous with respect to Cancel().
        private void CallAsyncFail(object ignored)
            AsyncFail(new SocketException(SocketError.OperationAborted));
        protected abstract IPAddress GetNextAddress(out Socket attemptSocket);
    // Used when the instance ConnectAsync method is called, or when the DnsEndPoint specified
    // an AddressFamily.  There's only one Socket, and we only try addresses that match its
    // AddressFamily
    internal class SingleSocketMultipleConnectAsync : MultipleConnectAsync
        private Socket socket;
        private bool userSocket;
        public SingleSocketMultipleConnectAsync(Socket socket, bool userSocket)
            this.socket = socket;
            this.userSocket = userSocket;
        protected override IPAddress GetNextAddress(out Socket attemptSocket)
            attemptSocket = socket;
            IPAddress rval = null;
                if (nextAddress >= addressList.Length)
                    return null;
                rval = addressList[nextAddress];
            while (!socket.CanTryAddressFamily(rval.AddressFamily));
            return rval;
        protected override void OnFail(bool abortive)
            // Close the socket if this is an abortive failure (CancelConnectAsync) 
            // or if we created it internally
            if (abortive || !userSocket)
        // nothing to do on success
        protected override void OnSucceed() { }
    // This is used when the static ConnectAsync method is called.  We don't know the address family
    // ahead of time, so we create both IPv4 and IPv6 sockets.
    internal class MultipleSocketMultipleConnectAsync : MultipleConnectAsync
        private Socket socket4;
        private Socket socket6;
        public MultipleSocketMultipleConnectAsync(SocketType socketType, ProtocolType protocolType)
            if (Socket.OSSupportsIPv4)
                socket4 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, socketType, protocolType);
            if (Socket.OSSupportsIPv6)
                socket6 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, socketType, protocolType);
        protected override IPAddress GetNextAddress(out Socket attemptSocket)
            IPAddress rval = null;
            attemptSocket = null;
            while (attemptSocket == null)
                if (nextAddress >= addressList.Length)
                    return null;
                rval = addressList[nextAddress];
                if (rval.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                    attemptSocket = socket6;
                else if (rval.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                    attemptSocket = socket4;
            return rval;
        // on success, close the socket that wasn't used
        protected override void OnSucceed()
            if (socket4 != null && !socket4.Connected)
            if (socket6 != null && !socket6.Connected)
        // close both sockets whether its abortive or not - we always create them internally
        protected override void OnFail(bool abortive)
            if (socket4 != null)
            if (socket6 != null)