File: net\System\Net\NetworkInformation\MulticastIPAddressInformation.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\System.csproj (System)

using System;
namespace System.Net.NetworkInformation
    /// Provides information about a network interface's unicast address
    public abstract class MulticastIPAddressInformation : IPAddressInformation
        /// [To be supplied.]
        public abstract long AddressPreferredLifetime {get;}
        /// [To be supplied.]
        public abstract long AddressValidLifetime {get;}
        /// Specifies the amount of time remaining on the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) lease for this IP address.
        public abstract long DhcpLeaseLifetime {get;}
        /// Gets a value that indicates the state of the duplicate address detection algorithm.
        public abstract DuplicateAddressDetectionState DuplicateAddressDetectionState {get;}
        /// Gets a value that identifies the source of a unicast IP address prefix.
        public abstract PrefixOrigin PrefixOrigin  {get;}
        /// Gets a value that identifies the source of a unicast IP address suffix.
        public abstract SuffixOrigin SuffixOrigin  {get;}