File: compmod\system\componentmodel\design\serialization\IDesignerLoaderHost.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\System.csproj (System)
// <copyright file="IDesignerLoaderHost.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>                                                                
namespace System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization {
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    /// <devdoc>
    ///     IDesignerLoaderHost.  This is an extension of IDesignerHost that is passed
    ///     to the designer loader in the BeginLoad method.  It is isolated from
    ///     IDesignerHost to emphasize that all loading and reloading of the design
    ///     document actually should be initiated by the designer loader, and not by
    ///     the designer host.  However, the loader must inform the designer host that
    ///     it wishes to invoke a load or reload.
    /// </devdoc>
    public interface IDesignerLoaderHost : IDesignerHost {
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     This is called by the designer loader to indicate that the load has 
        ///     terminated.  If there were errors, they should be passed in the errorCollection
        ///     as a collection of exceptions (if they are not exceptions the designer
        ///     loader host may just call ToString on them).  If the load was successful then
        ///     errorCollection should either be null or contain an empty collection.
        /// </devdoc>
        void EndLoad(string baseClassName, bool successful, ICollection errorCollection);
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     This is called by the designer loader when it wishes to reload the
        ///     design document.  The reload will happen immediately so the caller
        ///     should ensure that it is in a state where BeginLoad may be called again.
        /// </devdoc>
        void Reload();
    /// <devdoc>
    ///     IgnoreErrorsDuringReload - specifies whether errors should be ignored when Reload() is called.
    ///                                We only allow to set to true if we CanReloadWithErrors. If we cannot
    ///                                we simply ignore rather than throwing an exception. We probably should,
    ///                                but we are avoiding localization.
    ///     CanReloadWithErrors - specifies whether it is possible to reload with errors. There are certain
    ///                           scenarios where errors cannot be ignored.
    /// </devdoc>
    public interface IDesignerLoaderHost2 : IDesignerLoaderHost {
         bool IgnoreErrorsDuringReload{ get; set;}
         bool CanReloadWithErrors{ get; set;}