10 writes to IsDirty
System (5)
sys\system\configuration\LocalFileSettingsProvider.cs (4)
122value.IsDirty = false; //reset IsDirty so that it is correct when SetPropertyValues is called 157value.IsDirty = false; //reset IsDirty so that it is correct when SetPropertyValues is called 188value.IsDirty = false; //reset IsDirty 412value.IsDirty = true;
sys\system\configuration\SettingsBase.cs (1)
132pp.IsDirty = false;
System.Web (1)
Profile\ProfileModule.cs (1)
172pp.IsDirty = false;
System.Web.Extensions (4)
ApplicationServices\ProfileService.cs (2)
102value.IsDirty = false; 141value.IsDirty = false;
ClientServices\Providers\ClientSettingsProvider.cs (2)
574value.IsDirty = false; 741value.IsDirty = false;
5 references to IsDirty
System (1)
sys\system\configuration\LocalFileSettingsProvider.cs (1)
176if (value.IsDirty) {
System.Web (3)
Profile\HttpProfileBase.cs (1)
149if (pv.IsDirty) {
Profile\ProfileModule.cs (2)
205if (pp.IsDirty) { 226if (!pp.IsDirty && pp.UsingDefaultValue) // Not fetched from DB and not written to
System.Web.Extensions (1)
ClientServices\Providers\ClientSettingsProvider.cs (1)
621if (cacheIsMoreFresh || value.IsDirty) {