2 writes to Name
System (1)
net\System\Net\cookie.cs (1)
108Name = name;
System.Web (1)
WebSockets\AspNetWebSocketContextImpl.cs (1)
77Name = cookie.Name,
12 references to Name
System (12)
net\System\Net\cookie.cs (9)
731return (string.Compare(Name, other.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) 751return (Name + "=" + Value + ";" + Path + "; " + Domain + "; " + Version).GetHashCode(); 766+ Name + EqualsLiteral + Value 778string result = Name + EqualsLiteral + Value; 1520bool first = cookie==null || cookie.Name==null || cookie.Name.Length==0; 1626if ((result = string.Compare(left.Name, right.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) != 0) {
net\System\Net\cookiecollection.cs (1)
84if (string.Compare(c.Name, name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) == 0) {
net\System\Net\cookiecontainer.cs (1)
658if (ValidationHelper.IsBlankString(cookie.Name)) {
net\System\Net\HttpListenerRequest.cs (1)
671if (cookie.Name.Length==0) {