1 write to m_DoneCalled
System (1)
net\System\Net\_ConnectStream.cs (1)
389if ( Interlocked.Increment( ref m_DoneCalled) == 1 )
6 references to m_DoneCalled
System (6)
net\System\Net\_ConnectStream.cs (6)
583return(m_DoneCalled > 0 && m_ReadBufferSize <= 0); 1784GlobalLog.Assert(m_DoneCalled == 0 || m_ReadBytes != -1, "BeginRead: Calling BeginRead after ReadDone.|m_DoneCalled > 0 && m_ReadBytes == -1"); 2515GlobalLog.Print("ConnectStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CloseInternal() m_ShutDown:" + m_ShutDown.ToString() + " m_CallNesting:" + m_CallNesting.ToString() + " m_DoneCalled:" + m_DoneCalled.ToString()); 2561GlobalLog.Print("ConnectStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CloseInternal() normalShutDown:" + normalShutDown.ToString() + " m_CallNesting:" + m_CallNesting.ToString() + " m_DoneCalled:" + m_DoneCalled.ToString()); 2685GlobalLog.Print("ConnectStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CloseInternal() normalShutDown:" + normalShutDown.ToString() + " m_CallNesting:" + m_CallNesting.ToString() + " m_DoneCalled:" + m_DoneCalled.ToString()); 2687if (!normalShutDown && m_DoneCalled==0) {