5 writes to Path
System (4)
net\System\Net\cookie.cs (4)
117Path = path; 305clonedCookie.Path = m_path; 1439cookie.Path = m_tokenizer.Value; 1548cookie.Path = m_tokenizer.Value;
System.Web (1)
WebSockets\AspNetWebSocketContextImpl.cs (1)
80Path = cookie.Path,
15 references to Path
System (15)
net\System\Net\cookie.cs (12)
398if (Path != null && !(Path.Length > 2 && Path[0] == '\"' && Path[Path.Length-1] == '\"') 399&& (Path.IndexOfAny(Reserved2Value) != -1)) { 401throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_attribute, PathAttributeName, Path)); 733&& (string.Compare(Path, other.Path, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) 751return (Name + "=" + Value + ";" + Path + "; " + Domain + "; " + Version).GetHashCode(); 1638if ((result = string.Compare(left.Path, right.Path, StringComparison.Ordinal)) != 0) {
net\System\Net\cookiecontainer.cs (3)
257uriSb.Append(cookie.Path); 312cookies = (CookieCollection)pathList[cookie.Path]; 317pathList[cookie.Path] = cookies;