7 writes to start
System (7)
sys\System\IO\compression\InputBuffer.cs (7)
51bitBuffer |= (uint)buffer[start++] << bitsInBuffer; 59bitBuffer |= (uint)buffer[start++] << bitsInBuffer; 75bitBuffer |= (uint)buffer[start++] << bitsInBuffer; 80bitBuffer |= (uint)buffer[start++] << bitsInBuffer; 86bitBuffer |= (uint)buffer[start++] << bitsInBuffer; 144start += length; 168start = offset;
8 references to start
System (8)
sys\System\IO\compression\InputBuffer.cs (8)
35return(end - start) + (bitsInBuffer / 8); 74if( start < end) { 79if( start < end) { 85if( start < end) { 138int avail = end - start; 143Array.Copy(buffer, start, output, offset, length); 151return start == end; 165Debug.Assert( start == end, "");