1 instantiation of IPOptions
System (1)
net\System\Net\NetworkInformation\ping.cs (1)
649IPOptions ipOptions = new IPOptions (options);
7 references to IPOptions
System (7)
net\System\Net\NetworkInformation\ping.cs (1)
649IPOptions ipOptions = new IPOptions (options);
net\System\Net\NetworkInformation\PingOptions.cs (1)
13internal PingOptions (IPOptions options) {
net\System\Net\NetworkInformation\UnSafeNetInfoNativemethods.cs (5)
560internal IPOptions options; 657uint ipAddress, [In] SafeLocalFree data, ushort dataSize, ref IPOptions options, SafeLocalFree replyBuffer, uint replySize, uint timeout); 661uint ipAddress, [In] SafeLocalFree data, ushort dataSize, ref IPOptions options, SafeLocalFree replyBuffer, uint replySize, uint timeout); 665byte[] sourceSocketAddress, byte[] destSocketAddress, [In] SafeLocalFree data, ushort dataSize, ref IPOptions options, SafeLocalFree replyBuffer, uint replySize, uint timeout); 669byte[] sourceSocketAddress, byte[] destSocketAddress, [In] SafeLocalFree data, ushort dataSize, ref IPOptions options, SafeLocalFree replyBuffer, uint replySize, uint timeout);