1 instantiation of Barrier
System.Core (1)
System\Linq\Parallel\Utils\Sorting.cs (1)
138sharedBarriers[i, j] = new Barrier(2);
29 references to Barrier
System (24)
sys\system\threading\Barrier.cs (24)
29/// The exception that is thrown when the post-phase action of a <see cref="Barrier"/> fails. 90/// has arrived at the <see cref="Barrier"/> in a given phase and implicitly waits for all others to 91/// arrive. The same <see cref="Barrier"/> can be used for multiple phases. 94/// All public and protected members of <see cref="Barrier"/> are thread-safe and may be used 96/// must only be used when all other operations on the <see cref="Barrier"/> have 156Action<Barrier> m_postPhaseAction; 209/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Barrier"/> class. 220/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Barrier"/> class. 233public Barrier(int participantCount, Action<Barrier> postPhaseAction) 294/// Notifies the <see cref="Barrier"/> that there will be an additional participant. 320/// Notifies the <see cref="Barrier"/> that there will be additional participants. 414/// Notifies the <see cref="Barrier"/> that there will be one less participant. 429/// Notifies the <see cref="Barrier"/> that there will be fewer participants. 498/// Signals that a participant has reached the <see cref="Barrier"/> and waits for all other 513/// Signals that a participant has reached the <see cref="Barrier"/> and waits for all other 539/// Signals that a participant has reached the <see cref="Barrier"/> and waits for all other 562/// Signals that a participant has reached the <see cref="Barrier"/> and waits for all other 595/// Signals that a participant has reached the <see cref="Barrier"/> and waits for all other 840var thisBarrier = (Barrier)obj; 924/// Releases all resources used by the current instance of <see cref="Barrier"/>. 930/// Unlike most of the members of <see cref="Barrier"/>, Dispose is not thread-safe and may not be 946/// <see cref="Barrier"/>, and optionally releases the managed resources. 951/// Unlike most of the members of <see cref="Barrier"/>, Dispose is not thread-safe and may not be
System.Core (5)
System\Linq\Parallel\Utils\Sorting.cs (5)
51private Barrier[,] m_sharedBarriers; // A matrix of barriers used for synchronizing during merges. 65GrowingArray<TKey>[] sharedkeys, TInputOutput[][] sharedValues, Barrier[,] sharedBarriers) 124Barrier[,] sharedBarriers = new Barrier[phaseCount, degreeOfParallelism]; 172Barrier b = m_sharedBarriers[i, j];