2 types derived from SortedSet
System (2)
compmod\system\collections\generic\sorteddictionary.cs (1)
787internal class TreeSet<T> : SortedSet<T> {
compmod\system\collections\generic\sortedset.cs (1)
1725internal sealed class TreeSubSet : SortedSet<T>, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback {
6 instantiations of SortedSet
System (2)
compmod\system\collections\generic\sortedset.cs (2)
997SortedSet<T> dummy = new SortedSet<T>(s, this.comparer); 2034underlying = new SortedSet<T>();
System.Data.Entity (4)
System\Data\Mapping\Update\Internal\Graph.cs (1)
148var rootsPriorityQueue = new SortedSet<TVertex>(Comparer<TVertex>.Default);
System\Data\Metadata\Edm\EntityType.cs (3)
331var navProps = new SortedSet<string>(); 346var keys = new SortedSet<string>(); 357var scalars = new SortedSet<string>();
81 references to SortedSet
System (77)
compmod\system\collections\generic\sortedset.cs (75)
43internal delegate bool TreeWalkPredicate<T>(SortedSet<T>.Node node); 118SortedSet<T> baseSortedSet = collection as SortedSet<T>; 119SortedSet<T> baseTreeSubSet = collection as TreeSubSet; 131Stack<Node> theirStack = new Stack<SortedSet<T>.Node>(2 * log2(baseSortedSet.Count) + 2); 132Stack<Node> myStack = new Stack<SortedSet<T>.Node>(2 * log2(baseSortedSet.Count) + 2); 134Node myCurrent = (theirCurrent != null ? new SortedSet<T>.Node(theirCurrent.Item, theirCurrent.IsRed) : null); 139myCurrent.Left = (theirCurrent.Left != null ? new SortedSet<T>.Node(theirCurrent.Left.Item, theirCurrent.Left.IsRed) : null); 149myRight = new SortedSet<T>.Node(theirRight.Item, theirRight.IsRed); 156myRight.Left = (theirRight.Left != null ? new SortedSet<T>.Node(theirRight.Left.Item, theirRight.Left.IsRed) : null); 235Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>(2 * (int)(SortedSet<T>.log2(Count + 1))); 899public static IEqualityComparer<SortedSet<T>> CreateSetComparer() { 908public static IEqualityComparer<SortedSet<T>> CreateSetComparer(IEqualityComparer<T> memberEqualityComparer) { 917internal static bool SortedSetEquals(SortedSet<T> set1, SortedSet<T> set2, IComparer<T> comparer) { 951private static bool AreComparersEqual(SortedSet<T> set1, SortedSet<T> set2) { 990SortedSet<T> s = other as SortedSet<T>; 997SortedSet<T> dummy = new SortedSet<T>(s, this.comparer); 1040root = SortedSet<T>.ConstructRootFromSortedArray(merged, 0, c - 1, null); 1132SortedSet<T> s = other as SortedSet<T>; 1167root = SortedSet<T>.ConstructRootFromSortedArray(merged, 0, c - 1, null); 1211SortedSet<T> asSorted = other as SortedSet<T>; 1255SortedSet<T> asSorted = other as SortedSet<T>; 1326SortedSet<T> asSorted = other as SortedSet<T>; 1340private bool IsSubsetOfSortedSetWithSameEC(SortedSet<T> asSorted) { 1341SortedSet<T> prunedOther = asSorted.GetViewBetween(this.Min, this.Max); 1376SortedSet<T> asSorted = other as SortedSet<T>; 1412SortedSet<T> asSorted = other as SortedSet<T>; 1416SortedSet<T> pruned = GetViewBetween(asSorted.Min, asSorted.Max); 1453SortedSet<T> asSorted = other as SortedSet<T>; 1457SortedSet<T> pruned = GetViewBetween(asSorted.Min, asSorted.Max); 1493SortedSet<T> asSorted = other as SortedSet<T>; 1533SortedSet<T> asSorted = other as SortedSet<T>; 1672InOrderTreeWalk(delegate(SortedSet<T>.Node n) { ret = n.Item; return false; }); 1680InOrderTreeWalk(delegate(SortedSet<T>.Node n) { ret = n.Item; return false; }, true); 1699public virtual SortedSet<T> GetViewBetween(T lowerValue, T upperValue) { 1729SortedSet<T> underlying; 1745public TreeSubSet(SortedSet<T> Underlying, T Min, T Max, bool lowerBoundActive, bool upperBoundActive) 1857Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>(2 * (int)SortedSet<T>.log2(count + 1)); //this is not exactly right if count is out of date, but the stack can grow 1919internal override SortedSet<T>.Node FindNode(T item) { 1967public override SortedSet<T> GetViewBetween(T lowerValue, T upperValue) { 2156private SortedSet<T> tree; 2160private Stack<SortedSet<T>.Node> stack; 2161private SortedSet<T>.Node current; 2162static SortedSet<T>.Node dummyNode = new SortedSet<T>.Node(default(T)); 2169internal Enumerator(SortedSet<T> set) { 2178stack = new Stack<SortedSet<T>.Node>(2 * (int)SortedSet<T>.log2(set.Count + 1)); 2187internal Enumerator(SortedSet<T> set, bool reverse) { 2195stack = new Stack<SortedSet<T>.Node>(2 * (int)SortedSet<T>.log2(set.Count + 1)); 2224info.AddValue(TreeName, tree, typeof(SortedSet<T>)); 2240tree = (SortedSet<T>)siInfo.GetValue(TreeName, typeof(SortedSet<T>)); 2244stack = new Stack<SortedSet<T>.Node>(2 * (int)SortedSet<T>.log2(tree.Count + 1)); 2264SortedSet<T>.Node node = tree.root; 2296SortedSet<T>.Node node = (reverse ? current.Left : current.Right); 2411internal class SortedSetEqualityComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<SortedSet<T>> { 2438public bool Equals(SortedSet<T> x, SortedSet<T> y) { 2439return SortedSet<T>.SortedSetEquals(x, y, comparer); 2443public int GetHashCode(SortedSet<T> obj) {
compmod\system\collections\generic\sortedsetdebugview.cs (2)
15private SortedSet<T> set; 17public SortedSetDebugView(SortedSet<T> set) {
System.Data.Entity (4)
System\Data\Mapping\Update\Internal\Graph.cs (1)
148var rootsPriorityQueue = new SortedSet<TVertex>(Comparer<TVertex>.Default);
System\Data\Metadata\Edm\EntityType.cs (3)
331var navProps = new SortedSet<string>(); 346var keys = new SortedSet<string>(); 357var scalars = new SortedSet<string>();