24 writes to IsRed
System (24)
compmod\system\collections\generic\sortedset.cs (24)
386root.IsRed = false; 419root.IsRed = false; 461current.IsRed = true; 475parent.IsRed = true; 476sibling.IsRed = false; // parent's color 501sibling.Left.IsRed = false; 507sibling.Right.IsRed = false; 524newGrandParent.IsRed = parent.IsRed; 525parent.IsRed = false; 526current.IsRed = true; 562root.IsRed = false; 703grandParent.IsRed = true; 704newChildOfGreatGrandParent.IsRed = false; 733parent.IsRed = false; 734child1.IsRed = true; 735child2.IsRed = true; 762succesor.Right.IsRed = false; 774succesor.IsRed = match.IsRed; 957node.IsRed = true; 958node.Left.IsRed = false; 959node.Right.IsRed = false; 1087root.Right.IsRed = true; 2139IsRed = true; 2145this.IsRed = isRed;
20 references to IsRed
System (20)
compmod\system\collections\generic\sortedset.cs (20)
134Node myCurrent = (theirCurrent != null ? new SortedSet<T>.Node(theirCurrent.Item, theirCurrent.IsRed) : null); 139myCurrent.Left = (theirCurrent.Left != null ? new SortedSet<T>.Node(theirCurrent.Left.Item, theirCurrent.Left.IsRed) : null); 149myRight = new SortedSet<T>.Node(theirRight.Item, theirRight.IsRed); 156myRight.Left = (theirRight.Left != null ? new SortedSet<T>.Node(theirRight.Left.Item, theirRight.Left.IsRed) : null); 414if (parent.IsRed) { 464if (sibling.IsRed) { 468Debug.Assert(!parent.IsRed, "parent must be a black node!"); 488Debug.Assert(sibling != null || sibling.IsRed == false, "sibling must not be null and it must be black!"); 500Debug.Assert(sibling.Left.IsRed, "Left child of sibling must be red!"); 506Debug.Assert(sibling.Right.IsRed, "Right child of sibling must be red!"); 513Debug.Assert(sibling.Left.IsRed, "Left child of sibling must be red!"); 519Debug.Assert(sibling.Right.IsRed, "Right child of sibling must be red!"); 524newGrandParent.IsRed = parent.IsRed; 719return (node != null && !node.IsRed); 723return (node == null || !node.IsRed); 727return (node != null && node.IsRed); 760Debug.Assert((succesor.Right == null && succesor.IsRed) || (succesor.Right.IsRed && !succesor.IsRed), "Succesor must be in valid state"); 774succesor.IsRed = match.IsRed;