14 writes to Right
System (14)
compmod\system\collections\generic\sortedset.cs (14)
151myCurrent.Right = myRight; 408parent.Right = node; 745parent.Right = newChild; 767succesor.Right = match.Right; 842node.Right = x.Left; 852grandChild.Right = node; 853child.Right = grandChild.Left; 861x.Right = node; 869node.Right = grandChild.Left; 872grandChild.Right = child; 1086root.Right = new Node(arr[endIndex], false); 1094root.Right = new Node(arr[endIndex], false); 1104root.Right = ConstructRootFromSortedArray(arr, midpt + 2, endIndex, new Node(arr[midpt + 1], true)); 1106root.Right = ConstructRootFromSortedArray(arr, midpt + 1, endIndex, null);
51 references to Right
System (51)
compmod\system\collections\generic\sortedset.cs (51)
146Node theirRight = theirCurrent.Right; 239current = (reverse ? current.Right : current.Left); 247Node node = (reverse ? current.Left : current.Right); 250node = (reverse ? node.Right : node.Left); 282if (current.Right != null) { 283processQueue.Add(current.Right); 401current = (order < 0) ? current.Left : current.Right; 469if (parent.Right == sibling) { 486sibling = (parent.Left == current) ? parent.Right : parent.Left; 505Debug.Assert(parent.Right == sibling, "sibling must be left child of parent!"); 506Debug.Assert(sibling.Right.IsRed, "Right child of sibling must be red!"); 507sibling.Right.IsRed = false; 512Debug.Assert(parent.Right == sibling, "sibling must be left child of parent!"); 519Debug.Assert(sibling.Right.IsRed, "Right child of sibling must be red!"); 551current = current.Right; // continue the search in right sub tree after we find a match 679return parent.Right; 691bool parentIsOnRight = (grandParent.Right == parent); 692bool currentIsOnRight = (parent.Right == current); 711return IsBlack(node) && IsNullOrBlack(node.Left) && IsNullOrBlack(node.Right); 715return IsRed(node.Left) && IsRed(node.Right); 755Debug.Assert(match.Right == null, "Right child must be null!"); 760Debug.Assert((succesor.Right == null && succesor.IsRed) || (succesor.Right.IsRed && !succesor.IsRed), "Succesor must be in valid state"); 761if (succesor.Right != null) { 762succesor.Right.IsRed = false; 766parentOfSuccesor.Left = succesor.Right; 767succesor.Right = match.Right; 788current = (order < 0) ? current.Left : current.Right; 806current = (order < 0) ? current.Left : current.Right; 822current = current.Right; 841Node x = node.Right; 849Node grandChild = child.Right; 851node.Left = grandChild.Right; 860node.Left = x.Right; 866Node child = node.Right; 871child.Left = grandChild.Right; 881Debug.Assert(IsRed(sibling.Left) || IsRed(sibling.Right), "sibling must have at least one red child"); 959node.Right.IsRed = false; 1087root.Right.IsRed = true; 1862current = (reverse ? current.Right : current.Left); 1864current = current.Right; 1876Node node = (reverse ? current.Left : current.Right); 1880node = (reverse ? node.Right : node.Left); 1882node = node.Right; 1911if (current.Right != null && (!uBoundActive || Comparer.Compare(max, current.Item) > 0)) { 1912processQueue.Add(current.Right); 2267next = (reverse ? node.Right : node.Left); 2268other = (reverse ? node.Left : node.Right); 2296SortedSet<T>.Node node = (reverse ? current.Left : current.Right); 2299next = (reverse ? node.Right : node.Left); 2300other = (reverse ? node.Left : node.Right);