15 writes to count
System (15)
compmod\system\collections\generic\sortedset.cs (15)
123count = 0; 161count = baseSortedSet.count; 174count = els.Count; 360count = 1; 420++count; 558--count; 569count = 0; 999this.count = dummy.count; 1041count = c; 1168count = c; 1753count = 0; 1830count = 0; 1957count = 0; 1958InOrderTreeWalk(delegate(Node n) { count++; return true; }); 2048count = underlying.count;
11 references to count
System (11)
compmod\system\collections\generic\sortedset.cs (11)
161count = baseSortedSet.count; 294return count; 996if (s != null && t == null && this.count == 0) { 999this.count = dummy.count; 1203if (count == 0) 1819if (count == 0) { 1857Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>(2 * (int)SortedSet<T>.log2(count + 1)); //this is not exactly right if count is out of date, but the stack can grow 2048count = underlying.count; 2052if (count != savedCount) { 2081info.AddValue(CountName, count); //This is the length of the bucket array. 2121if (count != savedCount) {