5 writes to m_KeepAlive
System (5)
net\System\Net\HttpListenerResponse.cs (5)
49m_KeepAlive = true; 191m_KeepAlive = templateResponse.m_KeepAlive; 246m_KeepAlive = value; 652m_KeepAlive = false; 679m_KeepAlive = false;
6 references to m_KeepAlive
System (6)
net\System\Net\HttpListenerResponse.cs (6)
191m_KeepAlive = templateResponse.m_KeepAlive; 242return m_KeepAlive; 647GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerResponse#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ComputeHeaders() flags:" + flags + " m_BoundaryType:" + m_BoundaryType + " m_ContentLength:" + m_ContentLength + " m_KeepAlive:" + m_KeepAlive); 665GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerResponse#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ComputeHeaders() flags:" + flags + " m_BoundaryType:" + m_BoundaryType + " m_ContentLength:" + m_ContentLength + " m_KeepAlive:" + m_KeepAlive); 681if (!m_KeepAlive) { 694GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerResponse#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ComputeHeaders() flags:" + flags + " m_BoundaryType:" + m_BoundaryType + " m_ContentLength:" + m_ContentLength + " m_KeepAlive:" + m_KeepAlive);