1 write to testString
System (1)
compmod\system\componentmodel\MaskedTextProvider.cs (1)
312this.testString = new StringBuilder();
67 references to testString
System (67)
compmod\system\componentmodel\MaskedTextProvider.cs (67)
442this.testString.Append(chVal); 451this.testString.Capacity = this.testString.Length; 532for (int position = 0; position < this.testString.Length; position++) 538clonedProvider.Replace(this.testString[position], position); 690return FindAssignedEditPositionFrom( this.testString.Length - 1, backward ); 701return this.testString.Length; 800for(int position = 0; position < this.testString.Length; position++ ) 806this.testString[position] = this.promptChar; 880if( index < 0 || index >= this.testString.Length ) 885return this.testString[index]; 915if( lastAssignedPos == this.testString.Length - 1 ) // at the last edit char position. 917testPosition = this.testString.Length; 929testPosition = this.testString.Length; 1003for( int position = 0; position < this.testString.Length; position++ ) 1027endPosition = this.testString.Length - 1; 1067endPosition = this.testString.Length - 1; 1160endPosition = this.testString.Length - 1; 1195if (endPosition >= this.testString.Length) 1197endPosition = this.testString.Length - 1; 1236endPosition = this.testString.Length - 1; 1299if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 1348if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 1370Debug.Assert(input != null && position >= 0 && position < this.testString.Length, "input param out of range."); 1391if( shiftNeeded && (testPosition == this.testString.Length - 1)) // no room for shifting. 1394testPosition = this.testString.Length; 1411testPosition = this.testString.Length; 1419if (!TestChar(this.testString[srcPos], dstPos, out tempHint)) 1457SetChar(this.testString[srcPos], dstPos); 1514if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 1529if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 1652if (endPosition >= this.testString.Length) 1682Debug.Assert(startPosition >= 0 && startPosition <= endPosition && endPosition < this.testString.Length, "Out of range input value."); 1719char srcCh = this.testString[srcPos]; 1759char srcCh = this.testString[srcPos]; 1818if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 1863if (endPosition >= this.testString.Length) 1917if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 1956if (endPosition >= this.testString.Length) 2027testPosition = this.testString.Length; 2032if (!TestChar(this.testString[srcPos], dstPos, out tempHint)) 2058SetChar(this.testString[srcPos], dstPos); 2082this.testString[testPosition] = this.promptChar; 2100Debug.Assert( startPosition >= 0 && endPosition >= 0 && endPosition >= startPosition && endPosition < this.testString.Length, "position out of range." ); 2164ResetString(resetPos, this.testString.Length - 1); 2176Debug.Assert(position >= 0 && position < this.testString.Length, "Position out of range."); 2188Debug.Assert(position >= 0 && position < this.testString.Length, "Position out of range."); 2222this.testString[position] = input; 2313Debug.Assert(position >= 0 && position < this.testString.Length, "Position out of range."); 2329if (this.SkipLiterals && (input == this.testString[position])) 2481if (input == this.testString[position] && charDex.IsAssigned) // setting char would not make any difference 2510return this.SkipLiterals && input == this.testString[position]; 2589if( testPosition >= this.testString.Length ) 2602testPosition = this.testString.Length; 2637return this.testString.ToString(); 2641StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(this.testString.Length); 2643for (int position = 0; position < this.testString.Length; position++) 2646st.Append(IsEditPosition(chDex) && chDex.IsAssigned ? this.passwordChar : this.testString[position]); 2658return ToString(/*ignorePwdChar*/ true, this.IncludePrompt, this.IncludeLiterals, 0, this.testString.Length); 2667return ToString(ignorePasswordChar, this.IncludePrompt, this.IncludeLiterals, 0, this.testString.Length); 2697return ToString( /*ignorePwdChar*/ true, includePrompt, includeLiterals, 0, this.testString.Length ); 2728if (startPosition >= this.testString.Length) 2734int maxLength = this.testString.Length - startPosition; 2746return this.testString.ToString(startPosition, length); // testString contains just what the user is asking for. 2779char ch = this.testString[index]; 2829if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 2843if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length)