4 writes to hashtable
System (4)
compmod\system\collections\specialized\hybriddictionary.cs (4)
62hashtable = new Hashtable(initialSize, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); 64hashtable = new Hashtable(initialSize); 146hashtable = newTable; 256hashtable = null;
26 references to hashtable
System (26)
compmod\system\collections\specialized\hybriddictionary.cs (26)
83if (hashtable != null) { 84return hashtable[key]; 103if (hashtable != null) { 104hashtable[key] = value; 109hashtable[key] = value; 156if (hashtable != null) { 157return hashtable.Count; 171if (hashtable != null) { 172return hashtable.Keys; 220if (hashtable != null) { 221return hashtable.Values; 232if (hashtable != null) { 233hashtable.Add(key, value); 242hashtable.Add(key, value); 254if(hashtable != null) { 255Hashtable cachedHashtable = hashtable; 272if (hashtable != null) { 273return hashtable.Contains(key); 288if (hashtable != null) { 289hashtable.CopyTo(array, index); 299if (hashtable != null) { 300return hashtable.GetEnumerator(); 312if (hashtable != null) { 313return hashtable.GetEnumerator(); 325if (hashtable != null) { 326hashtable.Remove(key);