4 writes to m_BytesRead
System (4)
net\System\Net\_Connection.cs (4)
1353m_BytesRead = bufferCount; 2467m_BytesRead = 0; 3474m_BytesRead = bytesRead; 3561m_BytesRead = unparsedDataSize;
26 references to m_BytesRead
System (26)
net\System\Net\_Connection.cs (26)
1525if (m_BytesScanned < m_BytesRead) 1527GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ReadStartNextRequest() Calling ReadComplete, bytes unparsed = " + (m_BytesRead - m_BytesScanned)); 1590else if (m_BytesScanned < m_BytesRead) 1592GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CheckStartReceive() Calling ReadComplete, bytes unparsed = " + (m_BytesRead - m_BytesScanned)); 2392int bufferLeft = (m_BytesRead - m_BytesScanned); 2586m_BytesRead, // total bytes read so far 2601m_BytesRead, // total bytes read so far 2634if (m_BytesScanned >= m_BytesRead) { 2645m_BytesRead, 2655m_BytesRead, 2675GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ParseResponseData() DataParseStatus.Done StatusCode:" + (int)m_ResponseData.m_StatusCode + " m_BytesRead:" + m_BytesRead + " m_BytesScanned:" + m_BytesScanned); 2774if (m_BytesScanned == m_BytesRead) 3318if (m_BytesScanned < m_BytesRead) 3346bytesRead = Read(m_ReadBuffer, m_BytesRead, m_ReadBuffer.Length - m_BytesRead); 3433GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ReadComplete() m_BytesRead:" + m_BytesRead.ToString() + " m_BytesScanned:" + m_BytesScanned + " (+= new bytesRead:" + bytesRead.ToString() + ")"); 3467GlobalLog.Dump(m_ReadBuffer, m_BytesScanned, m_BytesRead - m_BytesScanned); 3468GlobalLog.Dump(m_ReadBuffer, m_BytesRead, bytesRead); 3471bytesRead += m_BytesRead; 3533GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ReadComplete() OLD buffer. m_ReadBuffer.Length:" + m_ReadBuffer.Length.ToString() + " m_BytesRead:" + m_BytesRead.ToString() + " m_BytesScanned:" + m_BytesScanned.ToString()); 3534int unparsedDataSize = m_BytesRead - m_BytesScanned; 3537if (m_BytesScanned == 0 && m_BytesRead == m_ReadBuffer.Length) 3544Buffer.BlockCopy(m_ReadBuffer, 0, newReadBuffer, 0, m_BytesRead); 3563GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ReadComplete() NEW or shifted buffer. m_ReadBuffer.Length:" + m_ReadBuffer.Length.ToString() + " m_BytesRead:" + m_BytesRead.ToString() + " m_BytesScanned:" + m_BytesScanned.ToString()); 3704m_LastAsyncResult = UnsafeBeginRead(m_ReadBuffer, m_BytesRead, m_ReadBuffer.Length - m_BytesRead, m_ReadCallback, this);