4 writes to hasSibling
System.Xml (4)
System\Xml\Schema\BaseValidator.cs (1)
190hasSibling = true;
System\Xml\Schema\DtdValidator.cs (1)
195hasSibling = false;
System\Xml\Schema\XdrValidator.cs (1)
265hasSibling = false;
System\Xml\Schema\XsdValidator.cs (1)
467hasSibling = false;
5 references to hasSibling
System.Xml (5)
System\Xml\Schema\BaseValidator.cs (1)
188if (!hasSibling) {
System\Xml\Schema\DtdValidator.cs (1)
235string stringValue = !hasSibling ? textString : textValue.ToString(); // only for identity-constraint exception reporting
System\Xml\Schema\XdrValidator.cs (1)
150string stringValue = !hasSibling ? textString : textValue.ToString(); // only for identity-constraint exception reporting
System\Xml\Schema\XsdValidator.cs (2)
289string stringValue = !hasSibling ? textString : textValue.ToString(); // only for identity-constraint exception reporting 877string stringValue = !hasSibling ? textString : textValue.ToString(); // only for identity-constraint exception reporting