6 writes to Text
System.Xml (6)
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImpl.cs (2)
5493schemaEntity.Text = string.Empty; 5505schemaEntity.Text = string.Empty;
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImplAsync.cs (2)
3560schemaEntity.Text = string.Empty; 3572schemaEntity.Text = string.Empty;
System\Xml\Schema\DtdParser.cs (1)
1340entity.Text = GetValue();
System\Xml\Schema\DtdParserAsync.cs (1)
966entity.Text = GetValue();
5 references to Text
System.Xml (5)
System\Xml\Dom\XmlLoader.cs (2)
560XmlEntity ent = new XmlEntity( scEnt.Name.Name, scEnt.Text, scEnt.Pubid, scEnt.Url, scEnt.NData.IsEmpty ? null : scEnt.NData.Name, doc ); 568XmlEntity ent = new XmlEntity( scEnt.Name.Name, scEnt.Text, scEnt.Pubid, scEnt.Url, scEnt.NData.IsEmpty ? null : scEnt.NData.Name, doc );
System\Xml\Schema\DtdParser.cs (1)
3120if ( entity.Text.Length == 0 ) {
System\Xml\Schema\DtdParserAsync.cs (1)
2489if ( entity.Text.Length == 0 ) {
System\Xml\Schema\SchemaEntity.cs (1)
78get { return ((SchemaEntity)this).Text; }