29 overrides of Depth
PresentationBuildTasks (1)
Base\System\Windows\Markup\XmlWrappingReader.cs (1)
64public override int Depth { get { return _reader.Depth; } }
System.Activities (1)
System\Activities\Debugger\XmlWrappingReader.cs (1)
59public override int Depth
System.Data (1)
fx\src\data\System\Data\xmlsaver.cs (1)
2902public override int Depth {
System.Data.Services.Client (1)
System\Data\Services\Client\Xml\XmlWrappingReader.cs (1)
88public override int Depth
System.Data.SqlXml (1)
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\ReaderOutput.cs (1)
119public override int Depth {
System.IdentityModel (3)
System\IdentityModel\DelegatingXmlDictionaryReader.cs (1)
99public override int Depth
System\IdentityModel\IdentityModelWrappedXmlDictionaryReader.cs (1)
70public override int Depth
System\IdentityModel\WrappedXmlDictionaryReader.cs (1)
67public override int Depth
System.Runtime.Serialization (6)
System\Runtime\Serialization\ExtensionDataReader.cs (1)
126public override int Depth { get { return IsXmlDataNode ? xmlNodeReader.Depth : depth; } }
System\Runtime\Serialization\XmlSerializableReader.cs (1)
77public override int Depth { get { return InnerReader.Depth; } }
System\Xml\XmlBaseReader.cs (1)
515public sealed override int Depth
System\Xml\XmlDictionaryReader.cs (1)
1389public override int Depth
System\Xml\XmlMtomReader.cs (2)
507public override int Depth 1446public override int Depth
System.ServiceModel.Channels (1)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\XmlByteStreamReader.cs (1)
57public override int Depth
System.Xml (12)
System\Xml\BinaryXml\XmlBinaryReader.cs (1)
485public override int Depth {
System\Xml\Core\XmlAsyncCheckReader.cs (1)
124public override int Depth {
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReader.cs (1)
136public override int Depth {
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImpl.cs (1)
920public override int Depth {
System\Xml\Core\XmlValidatingReader.cs (1)
80public override int Depth {
System\Xml\Core\XmlValidatingReaderImpl.cs (1)
307public override int Depth {
System\Xml\Core\XmlWrappingReader.cs (1)
45public override int Depth { get { return reader.Depth; } }
System\Xml\Core\XsdCachingReader.cs (1)
154public override int Depth {
System\Xml\Core\XsdValidatingReader.cs (1)
290public override int Depth {
System\Xml\Dom\XmlNodeReader.cs (1)
1056public override int Depth {
System\Xml\Serialization\XmlCountingReader.cs (1)
41public override int Depth { get { return innerReader.Depth; } }
System\Xml\XPath\XPathNavigatorReader.cs (1)
830public override int Depth {
System.Xml.Linq (1)
System\Xml\Linq\XLinq.cs (1)
8126public override int Depth {
WindowsBase (1)
Base\System\Windows\Markup\XmlWrappingReader.cs (1)
64public override int Depth { get { return _reader.Depth; } }
268 references to Depth
PresentationBuildTasks (38)
Base\System\Windows\Markup\XmlCompatibilityReader.cs (3)
233int elementDepth = Reader.Depth; 321int elementDepth = Reader.Depth; 691return Reader.Depth - _depthOffset;
Base\System\Windows\Markup\XmlWrappingReader.cs (1)
64public override int Depth { get { return _reader.Depth; } }
BuildTasks\Ms\Internal\MarkupCompiler\ParserExtension.cs (1)
526else if (!_compiler.IsBamlNeeded && !_compiler.ProcessingRootContext && _compiler.IsCompilingEntryPointClass && xmlReader.Depth > 0)
Framework\System\Windows\Markup\StyleXamlParser.cs (1)
93_startingDepth = TokenReader.XmlReader.Depth;
Framework\System\Windows\Markup\TemplateXamlParser.cs (1)
80_startingDepth = TokenReader.XmlReader.Depth;
Framework\System\Windows\Markup\XamlReaderHelper.cs (31)
551AddNodeToCollection(new XamlDocumentEndNode(LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth)); 620AddNodeToCollection(new XamlUnknownTagEndNode(LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth, 651int depth = XmlReader.Depth; 736XamlPropertyComplexEndNode(LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth)); 762LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth, propertyMember, 779LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth, propertyMember, 830XmlReader.Depth, 857LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth, propertyMember, 892LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth, propertyMember, 931AddNodeToCollection(new XamlXmlnsPropertyNode(LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth, 940AddNodeToCollection(new XamlPIMappingNode(LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth, 950AddNodeToCollection(new XamlClrEventNode(LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth, 975new XamlPropertyArrayEndNode(LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth)); 1000new XamlPropertyIListEndNode(LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth)); 1025new XamlPropertyIDictionaryEndNode(LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth)); 1045new XamlDefTagNode(LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth, 1063AddNodeToCollection(new XamlDefAttributeNode(LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth, 1072AddNodeToCollection(new XamlPresentationOptionsAttributeNode(LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth, 1085AddNodeToCollection(new XamlDefAttributeKeyTypeNode(LineNumber, LinePosition, XmlReader.Depth, 2951ArrayList xamlNodes = _extensionParser.CompileDictionaryKeys(complexDefAttributesList, XmlReader.Depth); 2963ArrayList xamlNodes = _extensionParser.CompileAttributes(markupExtensionList, XmlReader.Depth); 3578int depth = XmlReader.Depth; 4614int depth = XmlReader.Depth; 4694WriteText(textValue, null, XmlReader.Depth); // Text for IAddChild::AddText() 4741WriteText(textValue, null, XmlReader.Depth); // Text for object/string/IList ContentProperty 4754WriteText(textValue, converterType, XmlReader.Depth); // Text for TypeConverter 4772WriteText(textValue, converterType, XmlReader.Depth); // Text for TypeConverter 4976WriteText(textValue, null, XmlReader.Depth); // Text for (Complex collection property)::Add() 5068WriteText(textValue, null, XmlReader.Depth); // Text for property IList::Add() 5099WriteText( textValue, null, XmlReader.Depth ); // Text saved for Unknown purposes. 51760 == XmlReader.Depth && XmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None))
System.Activities (1)
System\Activities\Debugger\XmlWrappingReader.cs (1)
61get { return this.baseReader.Depth; }
System.Data (53)
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataSet.cs (11)
1567iCurrentDepth = reader.Depth; 1646while (!reader.EOF && reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Depth > depth) { 1928iCurrentDepth = reader.Depth; 2213int d = reader.Depth; 2235MoveToElement(reader, reader.Depth - 1 /*iCurrentDepth*/); // skip over whitespaces. 2239if (reader.Depth > d) { 2246MoveToElement(reader, reader.Depth - 1 /*iCurrentDepth*/); // skip over whitespaces. 2248if (reader.Depth - 1 > d) { 2255MoveToElement(reader, reader.Depth - 1 /*iCurrentDepth*/); // skip over whitespaces. 2270while (reader.Depth > d) { 2352iCurrentDepth = reader.Depth;
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataTable.cs (8)
5163iCurrentDepth = reader.Depth; 5355iCurrentDepth = reader.Depth; 5577while (!reader.EOF && reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Depth > depth) { 5583int d = reader.Depth; 5607MoveToElement(reader, reader.Depth - 1 /*iCurrentDepth*/); // skip over whitespaces. 5612if (reader.Depth > d) { 5618if (reader.Depth-1 > d) { 5635while(reader.Depth > d) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\XmlDataLoader.cs (12)
566int entryDepth = dataReader.Depth; // Store current XML element depth so we'll read 599if (dataReader.Depth < entryDepth) // Stop if we have consumed all elements allowed 670int entryDepth = dataReader.Depth - 1; // Store current reader depth so we know when to stop reading 706while (entryDepth < dataReader.Depth ) { 829int entryDepth = dataReader.Depth; // Store current reader depth so we know when to stop reading 921if ( dataReader.Read() && entryDepth < dataReader.Depth) { 923while ( entryDepth < dataReader.Depth ) { // Get out as soon as we've processed all nested nodes. 1084int entryDepth = dataReader.Depth; // Store depth so we won't read too much 1124while (dataReader.Read() && (entryDepth < dataReader.Depth)); 1159if ( dataReader.Read() && entryDepth < dataReader.Depth) { 1161while (entryDepth < dataReader.Depth) { 1173while ( dataReader.Read() && entryDepth < dataReader.Depth && IsTextLikeNode(dataReader.NodeType)) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\XMLDiffLoader.cs (21)
80int iSsyncDepth = ssync.Depth; 85while (iSsyncDepth < ssync.Depth) { 93int iTempDepth = ssync.Depth; 128int iSsyncDepth = ssync.Depth; 133while (iSsyncDepth < ssync.Depth) { 141int iTempDepth = ssync.Depth; 177int iSsyncDepth = ssync.Depth; 180while (iSsyncDepth < ssync.Depth) { 189int iRowDepth = ssync.Depth; 191while (iRowDepth < ssync.Depth) { 202while ((ssync.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) && (iSsyncDepth < ssync.Depth) ) 213int iSsyncDepth = ssync.Depth; 216while (iSsyncDepth < ssync.Depth) { 236int iRowDepth = ssync.Depth; 239while (iRowDepth < ssync.Depth) { 249while ((ssync.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) && (iSsyncDepth < ssync.Depth) ) 286int iRowDepth = row.Depth; 325int currentDepth = row.Depth; 342while (row.Depth > iRowDepth) { 388int iColumnDepth = row.Depth; 392if (row.Depth > iColumnDepth) { //we are inside the column
fx\src\data\System\Data\xmlsaver.cs (1)
2903get { return _xmlreader.Depth; }
System.Data.Entity (1)
System\Data\EntityModel\SchemaObjectModel\SchemaElement.cs (1)
310if ( reader.EOF && reader.Depth > 0 )
System.Data.Services (3)
System\Data\Services\WebUtil.cs (3)
1414int readerDepth = xmlReader.Depth; 1422xmlReader.Depth == readerDepth && 1431if (xmlReader.Depth <= readerDepth)
System.Data.Services.Client (17)
System\Data\Services\Client\AtomParser.cs (8)
411Debug.Assert(reader.Depth >= depth, "reader.Depth >= depth"); 413while (!(reader.Depth == depth && 443int depth = reader.Depth; 446if (reader.Depth == depth) 805SkipToEndAtDepth(this.reader, this.reader.Depth); 817int depth = this.reader.Depth; 821if (this.reader.Depth == depth) 901int depth = this.reader.Depth;
System\Data\Services\Client\MaterializeFromAtom.cs (2)
387int readerDepth = reader.Depth; 390if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Depth == readerDepth)
System\Data\Services\Client\Util.cs (4)
567writer.Write(Util.GetWhitespaceForTracing(2 + reader.Depth), 0, 2 + reader.Depth); 598writer.Write(Util.GetWhitespaceForTracing(2 + reader.Depth), 0, 2 + reader.Depth);
System\Data\Services\Client\Xml\XmlWrappingReader.cs (3)
92return this.reader.Depth; 486this.xmlBaseStack.Push(new XmlBaseState(newBaseUri, this.reader.Depth)); 548if (this.xmlBaseStack != null && this.xmlBaseStack.Count > 0 && this.reader.Depth == this.xmlBaseStack.Peek().Depth)
System.IdentityModel (3)
System\IdentityModel\DelegatingXmlDictionaryReader.cs (1)
101get { return _innerReader.Depth; }
System\IdentityModel\IdentityModelWrappedXmlDictionaryReader.cs (1)
74return _reader.Depth;
System\IdentityModel\WrappedXmlDictionaryReader.cs (1)
71return this.reader.Depth;
System.Runtime.Serialization (15)
System\Runtime\Serialization\XmlReaderDelegator.cs (1)
1157internal int Depth { get { return reader.Depth; } }
System\Runtime\Serialization\XmlSerializableReader.cs (2)
53if (reader.Depth == startDepth) 77public override int Depth { get { return InnerReader.Depth; } }
System\Runtime\Serialization\XmlSerializableServices.cs (2)
38int startDepth = xmlReader.Depth; 40while (xmlReader.Depth > startDepth && xmlReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement)
System\Xml\XmlDictionaryReader.cs (1)
1393return reader.Depth;
System\Xml\XmlDictionaryWriter.cs (4)
892int d = (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None ? -1 : reader.Depth); 902else if (reader.Depth > d && reader.IsStartArray(out type)) 938while (d < reader.Depth || (d == reader.Depth && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement));
System\Xml\XmlMtomReader.cs (5)
313int xopDepth = xmlReader.Depth; 316while (xmlReader.Depth > xopDepth) 511return xmlReader.Depth; 1450return (readState == ReadState.Interactive) ? parentReader.Depth + 1 : parentReader.Depth;
System.ServiceModel (6)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\MessageHeaders.cs (2)
812int depth = reader.Depth; 817} while (reader.Read() && depth < reader.Depth);
System\ServiceModel\Channels\WsrmFault.cs (3)
752int depth = headerReader.Depth; 755while (headerReader.Depth > depth) 782if (headerReader.Depth == depth)
System\ServiceModel\Syndication\XmlSyndicationContent.cs (1)
185while (reader.Depth >= 1 && reader.ReadState == ReadState.Interactive)
System.ServiceModel.Discovery (6)
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\EndpointDiscoveryMetadata.cs (2)
362int startDepth = reader.Depth; 394if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) && (reader.Depth == startDepth))
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\FindCriteria.cs (2)
310int startDepth = reader.Depth; 333if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) && (reader.Depth == startDepth))
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\ResolveCriteria.cs (2)
105int startDepth = reader.Depth; 116if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) && (reader.Depth == startDepth))
System.Web (2)
UI\WebControls\AdRotator.cs (2)
536if (reader.Depth != 0) { 544if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "Ad" && reader.Depth == 1) {
System.Web.Services (10)
System\Web\Services\Protocols\SoapClientProtocol.cs (6)
643int depth = reader.Depth; 692while (depth < reader.Depth && reader.Read()) { 723int depth = reader.Depth; 776while (reader.Read() && depth < reader.Depth) { 810int faultDepth = reader.Depth; 831while (faultDepth < reader.Depth && reader.Read()) {
System\Web\Services\Protocols\SoapHeader.cs (2)
242int depth = reader.Depth; 280while (depth < reader.Depth && reader.Read()) {
System\Web\Services\Protocols\SoapServerProtocol.cs (2)
604int depth = reader.Depth; 640while (depth < reader.Depth && reader.Read()) {
System.Workflow.ComponentModel (10)
AuthoringOM\Serializer\WorkflowMarkupSerializer.cs (8)
232int initialDepth = reader.Depth; 234if ((initialDepth + 1) < reader.Depth) 236while (reader.Read() && (initialDepth + 1) < reader.Depth); 428int initialDepth = reader.Depth; 440if ((initialDepth + 1) < reader.Depth) 443while (reader.Read() && ((initialDepth + 1) < reader.Depth)) 519if (initialDepth >= reader.Depth) 529} while (reader.Read() && initialDepth < reader.Depth);
Shared\XomlSerializationHelpers.cs (2)
127int initialDepth = reader.Depth; 163if (reader.Depth == initialDepth)
System.Xml (86)
System\Xml\BinaryXml\XmlBinaryReader.cs (1)
496adj = this.textXmlReader.Depth;
System\Xml\Core\XmlAsyncCheckReader.cs (1)
127return coreReader.Depth;
System\Xml\Core\XmlReader.cs (9)
915int parentDepth = Depth; 934while (Read() && Depth > parentDepth) { 952int parentDepth = Depth; 972while (Read() && Depth > parentDepth) { 1082int d = this.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None ? -1 : this.Depth; 1083while (this.Read() && (d < this.Depth)) { 1123if (d == this.Depth && this.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { 1329int depth = Depth; 1331while (Read() && depth < Depth) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlReaderAsync.cs (5)
211int d = this.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None ? -1 : this.Depth; 212while (await this.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) && (d < this.Depth)) { 252if (d == this.Depth && this.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { 293int depth = Depth; 295while (await ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) && depth < Depth) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlSubtreeReader.cs (15)
95initialDepth = reader.Depth; 148int depth = reader.Depth - initialDepth; 386Debug.Assert( reader.Depth >= initialDepth ); 387if ( reader.Depth == initialDepth ) { 447Debug.Assert( reader.Depth >= initialDepth ); 449if (reader.Depth == initialDepth && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && !reader.IsEmptyElement) { 453while (reader.Depth > initialDepth && reader.Read()) { 478Debug.Assert( reader.Depth >= initialDepth ); 479if ( reader.Depth == initialDepth ) { 483while ( reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Depth > initialDepth ) { 502Debug.Assert( reader.Depth >= initialDepth ); 776if ( reader.Depth == initialDepth ) { 893if ( reader.Depth == initialDepth ) { 1179if ( reader.Depth == initialDepth ) { 1203if ( reader.Depth == initialDepth ) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlSubtreeReaderAsync.cs (10)
36Debug.Assert( reader.Depth >= initialDepth ); 37if ( reader.Depth == initialDepth ) { 99Debug.Assert( reader.Depth >= initialDepth ); 100if ( reader.Depth == initialDepth ) { 104while ( reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Depth > initialDepth ) { 123Debug.Assert( reader.Depth >= initialDepth ); 300if ( reader.Depth == initialDepth ) { 417if ( reader.Depth == initialDepth ) { 530if ( reader.Depth == initialDepth ) { 554if ( reader.Depth == initialDepth ) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlValidatingReaderImpl.cs (4)
309return coreReader.Depth; 880int initialDepth = coreReader.Depth; 882while ( outerReader.Read() && coreReader.Depth > initialDepth ); 924if ( coreReader.Depth > 0 || coreReaderImpl.FragmentType != XmlNodeType.Document ) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlValidatingReaderImplAsync.cs (2)
230int initialDepth = coreReader.Depth; 232while ( await outerReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) && coreReader.Depth > initialDepth );
System\Xml\Core\XmlWrappingReader.cs (1)
45public override int Depth { get { return reader.Depth; } }
System\Xml\Core\XmlWriter.cs (3)
374int d = reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None ? -1 : reader.Depth; 428} while (reader.Read() && (d < reader.Depth || (d == reader.Depth && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)));
System\Xml\Core\XmlWriterAsync.cs (6)
270int d = reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None ? -1 : reader.Depth; 320} while (reader.Read() && (d < reader.Depth || (d == reader.Depth && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement))); 329int d = reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None ? -1 : reader.Depth; 380} while (await reader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) && (d < reader.Depth || (d == reader.Depth && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)));
System\Xml\Core\XsdCachingReader.cs (8)
84element.SetItemData(coreReader.LocalName, coreReader.Prefix, coreReader.NamespaceURI, coreReader.Depth); //Only created for element node type 361recordedNode.SetItemData(coreReader.LocalName, coreReader.Prefix, coreReader.NamespaceURI, coreReader.Depth); //Only created for element node type 374recordedNode.Depth = coreReader.Depth; 420ValidatingReaderNodeData textNode = RecordTextNode(textValue, originalStringValue, coreReader.Depth + 1, 0, 0); 431recordedNode.SetItemData(coreReader.LocalName, coreReader.Prefix, coreReader.NamespaceURI, coreReader.Depth); 471int startDepth = coreReader.Depth - 1; 472while (coreReader.Read() && coreReader.Depth > startDepth) 609attInfo.SetItemData(coreReader.LocalName, coreReader.Prefix, coreReader.NamespaceURI, coreReader.Depth);
System\Xml\Core\XsdCachingReaderAsync.cs (4)
45recordedNode.SetItemData(coreReader.LocalName, coreReader.Prefix, coreReader.NamespaceURI, coreReader.Depth); //Only created for element node type 58recordedNode.Depth = coreReader.Depth; 99int startDepth = coreReader.Depth - 1; 100while (await coreReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) && coreReader.Depth > startDepth)
System\Xml\Core\XsdValidatingReader.cs (3)
295return coreReader.Depth; 1601if (this.processInlineSchema && IsXSDRoot(coreReader.LocalName, coreReader.NamespaceURI) && coreReader.Depth > 0) { 1669int depth = coreReader.Depth;
System\Xml\Core\XsdValidatingReaderAsync.cs (2)
448if (this.processInlineSchema && IsXSDRoot(coreReader.LocalName, coreReader.NamespaceURI) && coreReader.Depth > 0) { 516int depth = coreReader.Depth;
System\Xml\Schema\Parser.cs (7)
75schemaXmlDepth = reader.Depth; 155if (reader.Depth > markupDepth) { 178if (reader.Depth == schemaXmlDepth) { 183markupDepth = reader.Depth; 193markupDepth = reader.Depth; 209if (reader.Depth == markupDepth) { 227if(reader.Depth == schemaXmlDepth) {
System\Xml\Schema\ParserAsync.cs (1)
35schemaXmlDepth = reader.Depth;
System\Xml\Serialization\XmlCountingReader.cs (1)
41public override int Depth { get { return innerReader.Depth; } }
System\Xml\XPath\XPathDocument.cs (3)
166initialDepth = reader.Depth; 179if (!topLevelReader && reader.Depth < initialDepth) 240if (space == XmlSpace.Preserve && (!topLevelReader || reader.Depth != 0))
WindowsBase (17)
Base\MS\Internal\IO\Packaging\XmlDigitalSignatureProcessor.cs (1)
1082&& reader.Depth == 1)
Base\MS\Internal\IO\Packaging\XmlSignatureManifest.cs (6)
135&& reader.Depth == 2) 171|| reader.Depth != 3) 198|| reader.Depth != 3) 264|| reader.Depth != 3) 342if (reader.Depth != 4 427&& reader.Depth == 5)
Base\MS\Internal\IO\Packaging\XmlSignatureProperties.cs (6)
179&& reader.Depth == 2) 208|| reader.Depth > 2) 262&& reader.Depth == 3 269&& reader.Depth == 4) 278&& reader.Depth == 5) 299&& reader.Depth == 5)
Base\System\Windows\Markup\XmlCompatibilityReader.cs (3)
233int elementDepth = Reader.Depth; 321int elementDepth = Reader.Depth; 691return Reader.Depth - _depthOffset;
Base\System\Windows\Markup\XmlWrappingReader.cs (1)
64public override int Depth { get { return _reader.Depth; } }