3 writes to set
System.Xml (3)
System\Xml\Schema\NamespaceList.cs (3)
40set = new Hashtable(); 61nsl.set = (Hashtable)(set.Clone()); 276nslist.set = new Hashtable();
27 references to set
System.Xml (27)
System\Xml\Schema\NamespaceList.cs (27)
44set[string.Empty] = string.Empty; 47set[targetNamespace] = targetNamespace; 51set[splitString[i]] = splitString[i]; 60Debug.Assert(set != null); 61nsl.set = (Hashtable)(set.Clone()); 78return set.Keys; 94return set[ns] != null; 113foreach(string s in set.Keys) { 145return !sub.set.Contains(super.targetNamespace); 149foreach (string ns in sub.set.Keys) { 150if (!super.set.Contains(ns)) { 172foreach (string ns in o2.set.Keys) { 173nslist.set[ns] = ns; 186if (o1.set.Contains(o2.targetNamespace)) { 197else if (o1.set.Contains(string.Empty)) { //clause 6.1 - set S includes absent, o2 is not(absent) 207if (o2.set.Contains(o2.targetNamespace)) { 218else if (o2.set.Contains(string.Empty)) { //clause 6.1 - set S includes absent, o2 is not(absent) 232if (this.set.Contains(other.targetNamespace)) { //S contains negated ns 233if (this.set.Contains(string.Empty)) { // AND S contains absent 240else if (this.set.Contains(string.Empty)) { //clause 5.3 - Not expressible 277foreach(string ns in o1.set.Keys) { 278if (o2.set.Contains(ns)) { 279nslist.set.Add(ns, ns); 302if (this.set[tns] != null) { 303this.set.Remove(tns); 308return ((type == ListType.Set) && ((set == null) || set.Count == 0));