14 writes to impl
System.Xml (14)
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReader.cs (14)
33impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl(); 38impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl( nt ); 43impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl( input ); 48impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl( url, input ); 53impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl( input, nt ); 58impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl( url, input, nt ); 63impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl( input ); 68impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl( url, input ); 73impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl( input, nt ); 78impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl( url, input, nt ); 83impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl( xmlFragment, fragType, context ); 88impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl( xmlFragment, fragType, context ); 95impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl( url, new NameTable() ); 102impl = new XmlTextReaderImpl( url, nt );
81 references to impl
System.Xml (81)
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReader.cs (81)
34impl.OuterReader = this; 39impl.OuterReader = this; 44impl.OuterReader = this; 49impl.OuterReader = this; 54impl.OuterReader = this; 59impl.OuterReader = this; 64impl.OuterReader = this; 69impl.OuterReader = this; 74impl.OuterReader = this; 79impl.OuterReader = this; 84impl.OuterReader = this; 89impl.OuterReader = this; 96impl.OuterReader = this; 103impl.OuterReader = this; 109get { return impl.NodeType; } 113get { return impl.Name; } 117get { return impl.LocalName; } 121get { return impl.NamespaceURI; } 125get { return impl.Prefix; } 129get { return impl.HasValue; } 133get { return impl.Value; } 137get { return impl.Depth; } 141get { return impl.BaseURI; } 145get { return impl.IsEmptyElement; } 149get { return impl.IsDefault; } 153get { return impl.QuoteChar; } 157get { return impl.XmlSpace; } 161get { return impl.XmlLang; } 166public override int AttributeCount { get { return impl.AttributeCount; } } 169return impl.GetAttribute( name ); 173return impl.GetAttribute( localName, namespaceURI ); 177return impl.GetAttribute( i ); 181return impl.MoveToAttribute( name ); 185return impl.MoveToAttribute( localName, namespaceURI ); 189impl.MoveToAttribute( i ); 193return impl.MoveToFirstAttribute(); 197return impl.MoveToNextAttribute(); 201return impl.MoveToElement(); 205return impl.ReadAttributeValue(); 209return impl.Read(); 213get { return impl.EOF; } 217impl.Close(); 221get { return impl.ReadState; } 225impl.Skip(); 229get { return impl.NameTable; } 233string ns = impl.LookupNamespace( prefix ); 245impl.ResolveEntity(); 254return impl.ReadContentAsBase64( buffer, index, count ); 258return impl.ReadElementContentAsBase64( buffer, index, count ); 262return impl.ReadContentAsBinHex( buffer, index, count ); 266return impl.ReadElementContentAsBinHex( buffer, index, count ); 279impl.MoveOffEntityReference(); 288public int LineNumber { get { return impl.LineNumber; } } 290public int LinePosition { get { return impl.LinePosition; } } 296return impl.GetNamespacesInScope( scope ); 300return impl.LookupNamespace( prefix ); 304return impl.LookupPrefix( namespaceName ); 312return impl.GetNamespacesInScope( scope ); 320get { return impl.Namespaces; } 321set { impl.Namespaces = value; } 325get { return impl.Normalization; } 326set { impl.Normalization = value; } 330get { return impl.Encoding; } 334get { return impl.WhitespaceHandling; } 335set { impl.WhitespaceHandling = value; } 340get { return impl.DtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Prohibit; } 341set { impl.DtdProcessing = value ? DtdProcessing.Prohibit : DtdProcessing.Parse; } 345get { return impl.DtdProcessing; } 346set { impl.DtdProcessing = value; } 350get { return impl.EntityHandling; } 351set { impl.EntityHandling = value; } 355set { impl.XmlResolver = value; } 359impl.ResetState(); 363return impl.GetRemainder(); 367return impl.ReadChars( buffer, index, count ); 371return impl.ReadBase64( array, offset, len ); 375return impl.ReadBinHex( array, offset, len ); 381get { return impl; } 385get { return impl.NamespaceManager; } 390set { impl.XmlValidatingReaderCompatibilityMode = value; } 394get { return impl.DtdInfo; }